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Everything posted by Chasingthepleco
Thanks Shilo. I will head to my local nursery tomorrow that has a fish section. I live in a very remote town so I don't hold out much hope but I'll see what's available. Thanks for your advice on minimising the stress with dips etc. I was very quick with my whole procedure but didn't do it at the tank instead a holding bucket with tank water. Crossing my fingers my male electric blue in particular makes it, he's my fav.
Thanks Adrienne. I think you have found the right diagnosis for me so now I know what I'm dealing with I can try and fix it. I did a 50% water change today and aim to do small water changes daily for a while, perhaps 20%. This cotton wool disease sounds pretty scary and can crop up again months after everyone seems cured from what I've read. I am not sure of the way forward. I think it was brought in by the peacocks or plants I added the same day, the one that got infected and died looked just look the female electric blues. The fish had been nipped and that's how it most likely occurred. The other peacocks are unaffected at present. It's very unfortunate my male electric blue has this cut though as that's what's eating away at his lip. After some research I gave both the fish a salt water swab, better than nothing. I aim to get some meth blue tomorrow and will do meth blue swabs as per the article I read. What do you reckon? Thanks.
I have been having some problems with my tank the past few weeks. I have some electric blue cichlids, electric yellows, a few peacocks, bristlenose catfish, and 2 black & blue striped cichlids. I'll start at the beginning of the problems. I had a heater failure whereby the heater got to above 36 degrees, several fish died. I purchased 4 peacocks from lfs that I did not have previously to replace my deceased electric yellows (all but 3 died). All was going when when roughly 2 weeks later I noticed white spots that were fuzzy on one of the peacocks. The fish died. I treated the tank for ich and raised the temperature to 30 for 5 days. I also realised my adult electric yellow was insanely skinny so posted on here for advice and was advised it could be worms so the tank was treat with kusuri wormer plus. I noticed one of my female electric blues had some white fuzzy spots and on one of her fins it looked like a small clump of white fluff. I read extensively what to do and decided with a salt dip. This was new to me, I added one tablespoon of salt to one gallon of water in a bucket and added this fish, she was fine in there. When I returned her to the tank after half an hour though she started rolling and died. I feel awful about this, she was carrying her fry too. A few days later my last remaining female electric blue no longer is carrying her fry (they were due to be released round about now) but she now has white fuzzy spots. And now this morning my electric blue male has a cut on his lip with a white fuzzy growth. No other fish in the tank seem to be affected. I am not sure what is causing this so would really appreciate some advice please. My tank has ammonia: 0, nitrite: 0, nitrates at usual levels, pH is usually around 8 (I live in northern Western Australia). I have good filtration, good aeration.Temperature around 24.5 degrees. My electric blues did not appreciate their photo being taken so photos not the best sorry. They are acting pretty normally and not rubbing against stuff.
Thank you. I have arranged to buy some kusuri from a local fish enthusiast. I should be picking up that today. Is it ok to use with fry? I have an electric blue holding fry and another electric blue who has just released fry today. If it is worms how would they get in my tank? The only live food I feed is frozen blood worms and that's just occasionally, I usually feed a cichlid crumble as well as pleco chips for my catfish. I suspect this yellow is one I purchased locally some months. Thanks.
I'm in Western Australia, up the top end.
Thanks for responding Adrienne, no I have never wormed my fish. Are you able to suggest a worming product please and I'll see if I can track it down? I do live in a remote town so options might be limited.
I have had this electric yellow for several months now, after a recent heater failure disaster I lost most of my electric yellows but this one survived. It seems to have an odd body shape, it looks really skinny. It eats well but is one of the more timid fish in the tank, I put this down to the fact it is one of 3 yellows left and the other two are young (one tiny) so feeling a bit out numbered. Do you think this fish is ok? Other tank mates include electric blue trio, 3 young peacocks, bristlenose and a couple of black & blue stripey ones. Thanks.
Yes fryeri
Thank you. Should I be getting more electric yellows/blues or introducing another type of cichlid? I was worried about overstocking interesting that I now need more fish!
122 x 30 x 38cms if I remember right (L, W, H)
Thanks for your response. My tank is 140L. It's very long but not very deep. There are plenty of places to hide. Wouldn't my tank be too small for any extras?
I have 9 fish in my tank. 3 electric yellows, 3 electric blues (1m, 2f) & 3 adult bristlenose. There are plenty of places to hide and the tank is planted in the centre. One of my electric yellows has been acting a bit weird for the past few weeks. Hiding usually vertical behind the filter pipe right where the male electric blue hangs out. The yellow seems terrified but will come out to eat and at times leave its vertical position. I turned on the tank light one morning when this particular yellow was at the top of the tank on its side but still alive. I went to catch it and it was full of life again, but I caught it and put it still in the same tank but in a large breeding trap to give it a chance to recover. It had been badly fin nipped. It is acting normal within this enclosure but looks very beaten up. What should I do? Should I put the fish back in with the others? Thanks.
Thanks. It gives me quite a few ideas, I'll have to see what I can source from an online fs.
Thanks for your suggestions. I'd probably prefer to go with smidey's suggestion. What numbers do you think I should be looking at?
My tank is around 140L, I cycled my tank with guppies for around 6 weeks and then re homed the guppies and got a few young convicts and 2 young bristlenose from lfs. This was about 9-10 days ago but today one of the bristlenoses is dead and the remaining one is hanging out near the top of the tank. I used to breed bristlenose a couple of years ago so I know this is not good. My tank is at 26 degrees, pH is high where I live at 8.2, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates low, I have good aeration, a variety of plants, a good filter, regular weekly water changes, I don't over feed, there are plenty of caves. My cichlids are doing well and although one of them is dominant he only chases fish away out of his territory and tends to ignore the bristlenose. What could have caused the bn to die and is there anything I can do for the remaining one? Thanks.
Tank is 123cms long, 31cms deep and 38cms high. Thanks.
I would like some advice please on which cichlids to put in my tank. My tank is toughly 140L and where I live in regional Aus the pH is pretty high (about 8.2) so I have decided to go with fish that thrive in a high pH. I am by no means a beginner but have not kept a great amount of cichlids in the past, although I did have a specialist red jewel tank when I lived in nz. The tank is fully cycled and currently has some young convicts and 2 bristlenose. Although I like the convicts I would prefer fish with more colour so will probably re home some/all of these in due course. Possibly some peacocks? What do you reckon?