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Everything posted by Spkmes

  1. No...no salt added....and when I do a water change I use prime.
  2. Hi, the snails just die... still inside the shell.... khulis never touched them and they were too big for the dwarfs...I added them when I realised just how prolifically the ramshorns reproduced and hoped to slow them down by having the babies eaten...(that problem is gone though hahaha.... Now though, I have no loaches at all and the snails died overnight..... Although it was only a 30% water change it was a total substrate change...so at first I presumed it was all too fresh for them... but now after about three months the tank has recycled but I still get the same result with the snails.... they only lasted...hmmm well I'm not even sure if they lasted the night... I put them in the tank one night and the next day after work, dead..... I just have no answer for it..... Other fish include sterbis(?) corys, albino corys, neons and serpae tetras....actually this is all that is in there now....loaches are all gone. I spose I should add that the tank had been running for about 14-15 months prior to my substrate change with no issues.....Infact it must have been great as the reproduction of the snails was amazing.
  3. Hmmm how/what to ask.... Ok about 2 - 3 months ago I decided I wanted to change my substrate so I did... I purchased Aqua one black silica sand. So I get homwe and rinse till clear in preperation for the change. I moved the fish and snails into a holding tank (luckily I had moved 50-60 of the snails into another tank also) with the tank water and changed the substrate ...sweet looks awesome. Using the original tank water I refilled the tank and put all the fish and remaining snails (including my big male and female) in topped up with new water (ended up being a 30% water change... Sweet tank looks great no worries.... well the next day I noticed the snails looking a bit lethargic compared to their usual standards thought nothing of it but then they all died two days and 30 odd snails dead.... so I'm thinking ok the water is too fresh for them perhaps??? then I lose my 4 Kuhli loaches and a couple of dwarf chains..... In the meantime I have added a couple of snails from my other tank to see if it was just a freak occurance...but no... So from here I monitor this tank and check the state of the other fish... I have done this every day since this issue.... I'm thinking everything looks great now water parameters are sweet...no deaths or sick looking fish the plants are growing at a rapid rate awesome....lets get some snails back in to eat the greens....(to be fair and this may say something I have brown algae). In go two snails next day dead...this was two days ago....I am scratching my head for answers.. The only good thing about this is it got rid of my ramshorns...boy did I make a mistake getting those things....all gone now though :thup: I have two other tanks running also and the snails are fine in these....just this one tank is a snail killer....perhaps I should put and ad somewhere for people who would like to get rid of theirs So the question...could it be something with the black silica sand? Could it be slow release fertilizer balls (used these prior to substrate change) Or something I am not seeing.....hahaha Well it is obviously something I can't see Sorry if this is in the wrong section...wasn't sure where it should go
  4. Damn...those are impressive photos.... wish my fish would pose like that for me...all I get are streaks of tail hahaha...not quite
  5. Spkmes


    I got bit....so here I am.... Not much more to say really..... a little story behind the biting perhaps. Walked into a fish store to ask a question about the fish I had...Goldies.... found out that my Goldies were super fish. I had been ammoniating them for years in a tank that would make an inmate think his cell was mansion...I had been wanting them to die for years to get into tropicals but didn't want to be nasty...However it seems I was more than nasty and still they lived....(would have killed the tropical suckers without the info I received)...anyway...bit of a shady really...he said bring them in and I will put them in my pond at home and we'll get you set up with tropicals..to be fair he was gentle with me..I still spent a lot but I could have spent and wasted more....and there it started...and here I am. Waynes the name and I'm sure I will make a few of you go :facepalm: ...probably get a few :sml2: on the way also but generally I will be lurking and gathering information that is relevant to this nick of the woods Cheers
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