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Everything posted by Zalawala

  1. hi everyone, I have around a 300l corner aquarium height 600, depth 770, side lengths 770, currently set up with mbunas. i am thinking I want to set it up as a planted community tank but have never kept community fish or real plants, so don't know what I need to set it up ready for plants (want a relatively low tech system) or I don't know what plants are out there. what sort of substrate do I need? fish wise I'm also not too sure what are compatible I would love angels but would also like some Rams, and lots of schooling fish that are active or semi active. Definetly want some fish that are colourful as I'm finding it hard to think about giving up on my cichlids my my tap water sits at around 6.8
  2. So what light spectrum of t8 bulbs should I get? At the moment there is no way I can isolate the two lights so they will be running together for now
  3. Moving the tank is definitely not an option unfortunately, it's a very large corner tank and there is only one place in the house it can fit haha. Those stick on LEDs are pretty neat tho, but just looking at some t8s to replace the current ones atm
  4. Yup know that, I do have higher nitrates, though within the acceptable range for safety of fish. I have read that some people have put plant fert/feed in if the excess nutrients aren't quite up to play. But just looking at lights now as I want to get the order in
  5. Hi guys, it's time to get new lights. Currently I have 1 blue 20w and one white one 20w, unsure what k rating it is as the writing on the bulb is not there, the white bulb is quite dull, I am assuming the previous owner didn't change them for a while. So...any ideas on which combo of kelvin ratings to go for to get the right algae to grow for my fish to graze on but will also enhance the fish colours? Have blue, yellow, brown/purple coloured fishes
  6. Well we had the power cut today...I thought it was Friday and I was away so I panicked a bit when my neighbour rang to let me know it was off. Fortunately it was only off for about an hour this morning and then when I came home this arvo it went off again but flickered and I think my cansiter is caput. Grr. Thanks for all the advice everyone, good handy tips for the future
  7. Thanks for that, what about the 850 filter? Could I try blocking off the drain hole to try keeping the filter material wet or what? Not that there is much water in that filter at anyone time anyway. Just worrying more about the babies now, my adults are hardy buggers, but in the fry tank I also have a few demasonis just under 2cm long and don't want to loose them
  8. HMF on both tanks plus cf1200 on big tank and origional trickle filter on the AQ850
  9. Hi there, hope I have this in the right section. The power down our street is getting cut off for 6 hours for maintenance, hopefully ends up being less than this. But I'm hoping someone can give me some ideas to keep the fish happy and safe. I have one 300L (adult and young Africans) and a 200l with baby Africans Any opinions are much appreciated
  10. Well I bought 1 male 5 females about 5cm on Sunday and they are doing fine, no real aggression between them or the other fish which I was really surprised about. They were given a run around by my afra juvues who are about 3cm which I thought was quite funny haha. But so far so good. I'm glad I got them, they look amazing in my tank. And as for the filter, I haven't set up the mech side yet and unknowingly cut up the 30ppi to put into my fry tank! So I will be needing to buy more foam off you soon haha. I am still trying to figure out the layout of everything and trying to find a pump that is nice and compact, but within my prize range. But once I have gotten everything in place and it has been working for a while I will out up pics and reviews of it
  11. Yeah I'm just worried that they will be in there for a while until the babies grow up and can go in and so it means they will prob be near fully grown when mid sized dems and rustys go in At what size do they start getting aggresive (if there is one haha) and is the aggressiveness targeted more at themselves or general aggressiveness
  12. Righteo, I would like as many opinions on keeping these fish, I am still unsure wether I want them as I am scared they will attack everything in my tank. And I need to make up my mind as I am picking up fish this weekend haha. I am really thinking having a corner aquarium may not hav been a good move as the territories aren't very far away from others. Please help!!
  13. Cool thanks, any recommendations for stocking rate of the other fish?? So they will all fit in my tank I have a large HMF and larger mech filter using the poret foam plus aqua one 1200 atm
  14. Cool thanks nice to know that they will be ok with each other. And yea I was going to get 10 dems, will this be enough? Any recommendations on stocking rates for the species I stated? I hope the fact that the tank is a corner tank won't restrict me as the fish won't have a decent distance to swim away from any dominant fish just rocks to dart through
  15. Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience keeping demasonis with dog tooth afras, my afras came with the tank, there is one adult male rest are females. But I have always wanted demasoni and am wondering how they will go with each other being similar in colour with vertical stripes . I was hoping to get auratus, yellows, trewavase and rustys but of course if any one says that something won't work then yeah, they will be in a 300L corner tank with a lot of rock work and am aiming to overstock the tank to help reduce the aggression
  16. Haha that would have been so handy thanks! I shall remember for next time, even tho there shouldn't be a next time. The tank is all back to normal now and no more dead fish arose from the situation
  17. Hi guys thought I would extend this post instead of posting a new thread so hopefully it gets seen. I hav just received a sun sun 3000lph wavemaker.... Where should I place it? Back of the tank facing forward, at the front on the side? Top or bottom aiming up or down?
  18. Nope definitely do not have anything like that, we have bunnings, hammer hardware and sunnys! Haha
  19. So a 50% water change will be ideal each day? God downside to living in a very small town...limited amount of fish products from the vet clinic, cause I need more filter wool grr
  20. The oil slick was definitely from the fish, it was completely stuck in this ornament with the only opening stuck in the sand so it contained everything, ammonia has been reading 0 since I've had it up and running, just went and got some ammonia remover to try ease this problem while I do all the water changes all the other fish aren't showing any signs of distress, yet.
  21. Hi guys need some advice. I decided today to change the hardscape in my 330L tank, lifted up a stupid ornament and fish debri went everywhere, omg the smell!! Looked inside and sure enough a well rotted fish that I didn't even know I had when I picked up the tank 2 weeks ago. I just changed 80l of water and did a water test, results are: Ammonia- 0.25ppm Nitrite- 0ppm Nitrate- about 10 or 20ppm There is now a disgusting oil slick on the surface of the water and has even covered the siphon, omg still can't get over the smell haha, it's everywhere I go. So what do I do now to safety clean the tank and get rid of that oil slick? Oh and the two gouramis have been at the top of the tank breathing so a bit worries about them
  22. Zalawala

    Please ID

    Yup that looks like him thanks, now to sell him
  23. Zalawala

    Please ID

    Haha glad it worked then, is there anyway to put a picture straight on my post?
  24. Zalawala

    Please ID

    Hi there can you please help me ID this big guy, he came with the tank I just bought, he is about 15cm plus http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/Zalaw ... 9.jpg.html http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/Zalaw ... d.jpg.html Let me know if you want a specific view of him/her
  25. Zalawala

    Please ID

    Can you please help me ID this boy, I got him with the tank I just bought, there is a female the same aswell who is getting picked on big time so would like to get some more if it's possible http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/Zalaw ... 2.jpg.html First time using photobucket so hopefully it works
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