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Everything posted by Billfish2

  1. Billfish2

    help on discus

    Hi it is probably a fungal infection, Do the fish have it on there eyes?? It could be stress related how long have you Had them have you moved them Or put them in a different tank? I would get some furan2 and if you have A hospital tank and dose them in there I think furan2 might affect the bio filter Shane
  2. Hi Greg Are you still using NLS or Hikari? Or are you using 100% Nori? How much for a sheet of the Nori? Might be keen to try some. My Taiwan Reefs and Maleris are colouring up nice!!. Thanks Shane
  3. No plants at all, I do 50% water Change once a week. The tank has been going for 2 Years so defiantly cycled. I will add Phosguard and see how that goes.
  4. Hi set up tank 2 years ago. But have moved house 6 months ago, could be tap water? yes I am thinking of taking out drift wood, my Nitrites and Nitrates are 0 so not the water chemistry.
  5. Billfish2

    New on here

    :digH: Hi all as little icon would indicate I have a problem with Brown Algae in My Malawi Cichlid tank. I have tried turning on the lights longer, lights less, ETC>... But still have a problem. I am upgrading to a bigger tank soon, and was wondering if I should use Phosguard straight away in the new tank to help with the Algae problem. I have 1 x large piece of Mango wood in the tank could this be a factor? I have read heaps of stuff on the internet and most forums say it is due to silicates in the water> Hopefully someone can help
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