My Betta has fin rot (or is it tail rot? are they different? it so far, thankfully, seems to only be on his tail) which I noticed 3 days ago and straight away panicked (I love my fish) - I've only had him for 2 weeks, and noticed it on day 10! He isin't being kept in good conditions, through ignorance I went on the bad advice and assurances from friends who have these fish, and set him up the way they keep theirs (6.5 litre tank, no heater/filter)...Yes, I realized within a couple of days that this was NOT good, so please nobody yell at me for it because I'm taking steps to rectify it. I'm getting him a new tank tomorrow, 20 litres so I can get a filter and heater. I don't know what the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels are, no testing kit >.<
Because of the size of his tank and lack of filter, I was doing a partial water change daily (around 30%). Since the start of the fin rot I was advised to do 2 partial changes a day, which I have been.
On the advice of Animates I bought tonic salt and Wundertonic and started him on both the best I could, it turned the water blue and since he is a blue fish it made it really hard to check on the progress of his tail but as of yesterday (2 days into Wundertonic, 3 days into tonic salt) it seemed like it was a little better...Alot of the clear edge was gone, and the lower half that was all raggedy (like the membrane had melted away leaving just the spike part, I don't know what it's called) seemed to be almost sealing over as it wasn't nearly as bad, although part of the spike part was black on each of them, though the membrane was still blue..
But this morning...He is raggedy again, top AND bottom! Please can someone give me some advice on how to help him survive/heal his fins? (and also what to keep doing once I get his tank set up tomorrow? will it be better to just start cycling it with him in there so at least he is heated/filtered?) Should I leave out the stones etc until he is all better?