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Everything posted by popo2424

  1. Thanks. I got my dalton mix from bunnings hamilton. Are you talking about glossostigma elatinoides? if so, yes, they are quite hard to keep up. they need high nutrition and high light to keep it low. But...I'm only used cheap LED set that I bought from china website and I don't even know what is the wattage of my lighting.
  2. Hi there, I set up my planted tank almost 3 months now. I used Dalton aquatic mix at bottom for 2.5cm deep and and another bag of flourite black 2~2.5cm on top of it(same reason, too pricy). The total depth of substrate is 4~5cm, same level of substrate at front and back. My tank is 60cm*40cm*40cm. Here is the result. hitech planted tank Benson C NZ by popo2424, on Flickr
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