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Everything posted by shane

  1. How do you add pictures to these post ?
  2. I've already put an add up to give some Away. Lord I hope someone is gonna take them off my hands
  3. Maybe I should just keep 1 female ? Lol Apparently they are all loving in the same tank with a few severum along with the parents
  4. I got 10 GT Is it best to keep just one pair m/f or a group of either male or female ? Say 4 or 5 and give the rest away
  5. I finally feel like im getting somewhere and have some direction
  6. so really I need to get rid of my africans and swap them for americans aye ?
  7. I would like to just keep severums and maybe whatever went with them
  8. The PH sits around 6.5 everything else sits at zero Altho I have read that I should add corral to make the PH higher
  9. So in a 700ltr tank I have the following 2 severum 2 red zebra 1 yellow johannis 4 Demasoni 15 krib 10 bristle nose 7 electric yellow 8 tiger barbs I know it's a mess but I looked at the capability Chart and they said all the fish could go together But I never released that the fish had different living conditions What should I take out and what should I keep ? My favourite are the severum ! And I could happily get rid of everything else and just keep a tank of severum Any thoughts
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