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Everything posted by deinmuter

  1. Good point about the free water :slfg: Time is the only issue... How 'stocked' would our tank be based on an AR620 tank? - RTS - red spot pleco - 8 neons - 4 silvertips - 4 zebra danios - blue dwarf gourami We're thinking plants to go in the tank to help with nitrates etc. Thanks
  2. Awesome info thanks :gopo: We generally do a 20% water change weekly anyway, so will continue to do so until things have settled. We were hoping to do them fortnightly with the bigger tank, but will test and keep it weekly as recommended The old tank was a Juwel, so it has the BioFlow filter foam(s) - it has been kept wet, so might plop one into the new filter for now. However the old tank had snails, and we're not too keen on transferring them into the new tank - any suggestions? So don't bother with the old tank water? Just top up with new water (with stress coat, bacteria) and throw out the old? Thanks! Ed
  3. Hi all, Bought a AR620 tank on Saturday, got it home and set it up filling about 30L with old/existing tank water, and topped up with tap water which had: Stress Coat, Smart Start bacteria etc. The filter media was new (should have kept half the noodles) on Sunday, and the tank was running for about a day before the Mrs got a bit impatient and put the fish in... They seem happy with the extra space and eating, frolicking, generally being happy. I have just been reading on the forums here re cycling, and I am wondering if there isn't enough bacteria with all the filter media being brand new. I am about to empty the old tank tonight (approx 25L left in it) and thinking if it is worth/any point in: - Removing some water from the new tank, and replacing it with the remaining water from the old tank - Rinsing the media from old filter in the new tank Just not keen on anything happening to my fishies!!! Advice would be much appreciated. THanks, Ed
  4. Here's the elusive little part which didn't come with the 2nd hand tank. Now water is moving, fish are happier and I am getting sleep! Thanks everyone :happy2: PS - will be listing a Juwel Rekord 600 tank with accessories and quite new media (2 weeks old at most) on Private Trade and on TardMe. Great condition. Keep an eye out should have photos up tonight once cleaned.
  5. Figured it out! HFF Albany is awesome. The trader did not have the little elbow piece from outlet into the water. HFF sold me one off their display and now i can sleep! Thanks everyone. You all rock!
  6. Its silver in colour and about 1-2cm below the silver rim on glass? I can take photos tonight. Thete is also what looks like a slight break in the plastic from the second chamber.photos will help...
  7. Hi all Just upgraded our tank and making sure were doing things right as we are still amateurs, and im struggling with this new filter system.. We have bought an AR620 off TradeMe this weekend. Gave it a mad clean (needed it!) and filled 30l with water from established tank, topped up with new water with Stress Coat and bottled start up bacteria. New ceramic noodles, new carbon pads and sponges in the built in filter. Coming from Juwel with an internal filter to this trickle filter, im finding it SOOOOO NOISY! Is there a trick to making this quiet atall as i cant sleep wih the constant trickle... or shall i bite the bullet and buy an internal filter (thinking Juwel as we loved the system) Help... i really struggle with sleep as it is and do NOT need this... Thanks Ed
  8. Hi everyone, Our pride and joy, a red tail shark (he's my boy blue!) has recently started getting white spots. He's a bit camera shy and too fast, so the link below is the only decent photo I can get of the boy - refer to the spot on his top fin. He has a similar spot near his mouth, and his bottom back fin. Hasn't changed much in behaviour form what we can see, he's quite active, no more aggressive or quieter than he has been in the past 2 months or so... I heard about white spot disease, and was hoping that this wasn't it, but not sure as I can't find any pics online... Hoping I can get some help from this amazing site... Cheers Ed
  9. Yeah we kinda jumped into it and that was #1 on the list (aesthetically). From a bit of research and asking around at the fish stores, we've been advised he would be ok provided we don't overcrowd (free Angelfish on private trade forum if anyone can take him off our hands) with lots of hiding places.. Welcome all advice!
  10. Very few pick up on the deliberate misspelling... used the name for 15 odd years :gigl:
  11. Hi all, This seems to be the best forum for advice and etc, so cheers! My partner and I have started our first tank, with a Juwel 65L tank, and currently set up with: 1 x RTS 1 x Beta Male (in breeding net cage until we sort out partition) 10 x Neon Tetras 1 x Orange suckerfish 1 x Silvery Algae Eater So far, we've learnt a lot in a short amount of time - especially re maintenance etc... So interesting! This is a start for us, and eventually we would love to go to marine - all in good time. Looking forward to contributing where we can with this forum! Cheers Ed & Bailee
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