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Posts posted by TmanNZ

  1. DIY LEDs sound good could you show me some pics of what you've created for a bit of inspiration :bggrn: . What do mean by power pack? Something like this -http://www.trademe.co.nz/business-farming-industry/retail-hospitality/signage/led/auction-892190339.htm?

    Also will you be willing to mail LEDs free of charge :hail: ? I am only 14 Years Old, so I am relying on a parents budget as well as any old change I can find in the back of the couch. Haha.

    Thanks a lot! :bounce:

  2. Welcome! Hope your project goes well, can't wait to see! Just make sure all the fish are compatible, and plant requirements are met (Lighting, Fertilizer) etc. :gpo2: :f77: :bggrn: :bounce:

  3. I need a cheap and easy option (preferably under $30) to light a low tech planted tank.

    Plants are:

    Java Moss

    Java Fern

    Dwarf Hairgrass


    I was thinking some sort of desk lamp, but personally, I have no idea on lighting whatsoever so every suggestion is welcome!

    I have never had a planted tank before.

  4. New Stocking Idea:

    I think I'll scratch the Kuhli Loaches, even though I love the look of them, I think it would be great to make a biotope for them if I ever get the time.

    I think what I'll do is have

    15 Neon Tetras

    8 Pygmy Corydora

    and maybe a singular fish that doesn't school, I was thinking of a gourami of some type but don't know about compatibility.

    I think I'll go for Java moss and ferns, and dwarf hairgrass, maybe anubias if I have anywere to put it and green hygrophilas looks good!

    Would you recommend cycling with plants or without plants?

    Thanks JJ and Colour!

  5. So I have been out of the game for a while after my Native Koura passed but I recently just got an 125W heater (which I was told would be fine for my tank).

    I have never had a tropical tank before so any advice would be greatly appreciated

    The tank has a Sunsun HW-304B canister filter so it is quite over-filtered but should do the job.

    I am hoping to have a few plants but I have no knowledge on tropical plants.

    basically I would like some very low-tech plants. There will be washed coarse river sand as a substrate.

    Maybe a moss or grass for the foreground, some tall plants for the back and some semi-tall plants for the side.

    I will also put some rocks and a small piece of driftwood as a bit of a center piece.

    The current idea for stocking is:

    3 Kuhli Loach

    10 Neon Tetra

    3 Corydora

    and maybe another small school of fish like 5 Rummynose Tetra?

    All Ideas, Suggestions and Criticism are welcome! Thank you!

  6. I've been searching for some cyperus helferi and Haven't found in luck local to me, about to post a WTB in the private trade and exchange now. I am going to use your tank as a bit of inspiration with the plants as you have a very nice aquarium. I am going to start a log once I get the first plants but with school tomorrow, may not be for a few weeks and I am also currently modifying and painting a drift trike as one of my other hobbies.

  7. I love that lengthy tank!

    Anyway, You've sorta got a river/stream theme happening and it is looking pretty nice, maybe get some big rocks in there, and some riccia on the driftwood and rocks.

    Another Idea is Go Native!

    Build some hiding places and get a couple of Koura, Bullies or something or get some shrimp and a few native fish! It would look awesome, if you want to plant it maybe plant in and fertilise it a couple of weeks before hand to get the plants established so the koura don't eat it and root it up.

    Or you could go tropical but I don't have any experience with tropical so you'll have to ask someone else.

    You could get axolotls or make it a half land half water tank for fire bellied newts...

    Just spinning out ideas :P

    Good luck! and can't wait to see what you think up! :bounce:

  8. Im back!

    I have decided to try plants out for the first time, I am planning to stock a tank with WCMM so I would like plants that offer areas for spawning but also tall long plants for them to dart in and out of, I am also planning on using some duckweed for cover but I will not do this if plants below require adequate lighting.

    The 3 plants I have thought of are:

    Java or Xmas Moss


    and Java Fern

    I also like the look of Amazon Sword and various crypts look nice but not sure of requirements.

    The substrate I am using is washed river sand and I do not really want to use ferts but I'll buy some if I have too, I have got $30 - $40 to spend on plants and the same amount on fish and food.


  9. I have always wanted one of these Bizarre creatures but I thought a 55-60L (15Gal) Tank would never be big enough. But I now can get an axolotl for free from a mate and wondered if I could keep one through adulthood in this tank. I have been reading non stop and I have met all the requirements for my tank... No Gravel, Low flow, Cold water etc. Please Axy expertz comment :D :cofn:

  10. I got a Heater of Trademe yesterday for 5$ As I have a spare 55L tank which I want to make into a planted Community... The heater doesn't have the Wattage on it but it's pretty long so I'd say around 150w, also the seller made that assumption as well. The problem is, the heater doesn't have an adjustable thing which specifies the degrees.... rather a little knob on top that you twist towards a + or a - How do I go about setting the Temp? And making sure it's right.

    Also are the thermometer strip things you stick on the front of your tank trustworthy or do I get a proper thermometer?

  11. Last night, my koura started moulting, I was extremely happy! He was sliding and kicking away under his rock and I expected to wake up to him devouring his shell... Sadly I woke to find him curled in a ball... dead, But i found something weird, he was a slight red tinge, like how they are when you just start to cook them... is this what was meant to be his new skin and flesh or did he suffocate himself? I know that the moult is a very vulnerable time so I am not that sad... but it is still &c:ry dissapointing.

    Should I collect a new one? Or should I get some bullies for my 54 Litre... It's got a freshwater mussel in their so I don't really want to restart... any ideas?

  12. I recently acquired another 55L rectangular which is 45cmX30cmX30cm (it was a bargain for $2). Anyway, I want to have a go at keeping frogs, I think Brown Tree Frogs are the way to go as they're small, but These frogs require an arboreal tank, is it possible to use a rectangle tank for this? I also want to make a small stream that cycles along the front of the glass that's only going to be about 2cm wide and 1cm-2cm deep.

    My Questions Are:

    1. What are the best plants?

    2. What is the best substrate for mosses and plants?

    3. How to go about creating a stream? I've got a 240v submersible fountain pump by Peaktop, that's extremely small for it's power, it's about 3cm square.

  13. Sorry, Had a bit of a scary moment last night, He escaped and I found him 20 or so meters from the tank under computer desk. He is alright and is active in the tank again. Just gonna let him settle back in. Currently got a new cupboard door thing as a hood before I cut a piece of glass or make a mesh hood.

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