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  1. Yeah 3$ per tadpole does sound like an alright deal. I just have the enthusiasm to go do it myself
  2. That's very true. Driving out to the nearest pond would be about 20$ anyway. The thing is the person I'm looking at buying them off got them from a damn up north anyway.
  3. What are you talking about?? I saw the 10 for 15$ on trade me. Was thinking about buying them as I only need 10 or so.
  4. Does anyone know of any places that I could find some tadpoles at? I don't want to pay $3 per tadpole, it's ridiculous! Thanks so much in advance if anyone can share, I promise I won't take many.
  5. Yeah it confused me too! Normally the people on hustle live aren't very errr experienced. Why would he choose a boyd's rainforest dragon. He could have just posted a bearded dragon. It would've been much more convincing. Plus how does he actually expect to scam me? Like I would obviously want to come see it first and pay cash. So confusing.
  6. Oh I see, I shall try both of those options if/when I'm ready.
  7. Does anyone know how to acquire natives? Once you have a permit and a suitable enclosure and all that kind of stuff ready. (I'm not ready yet)
  8. On his profile he says he's from counties manakau. Although you can't trust everything they post on facebook. I'm going to do some research on natives. I won't start this till next year though as I'm not 100% sure I will be staying in New Zealand and I don't want to be stupid and get stuck with some natives, wouldn't be the smartest thing to do.
  9. This is the first time I'm selling babies since birth. But normally, the people who buy baby axolotls are reasonably experienced aquatic pet owner. I give them all the information they need etc. Right now, I'm getting feedback from about 4 buyers who's babies are healthy and happy (: :thup:
  10. Before I'd do that I would have to be fairly sure this guy isn't just trying to scam me and actually has one of these. I'd also have to know his address. From what I know it looks like a scam.
  11. I sell them since they are pretty much born. People say that this should not be done as the babies are fragile, but I have had success with every sale. Normally I would recommend waiting a week or two though. As they grow the price goes up of course.
  12. I did that too!! Reported him to the admin (: Is it really illegal to put a google image up? I did that because I couldn't get a good image of mine. But I did put a link to my facebook amphibian page where I had photos of the actual newt!
  13. I thought so too, never heard of anyone owning them or anything. The guy that wanted to trade was from Hustle live, which is a Facebook group known for scammers. He wanted one grand for it which is too much I'm willing to spend and I'm not willing to do bank transfers or anything.
  14. I'm going to sell them. For about $5 each. They're going pretty well at the moment.
  15. Is it legal to have a Boyd's Rainforest Dragon in New Zealand? Just have had someone offer me one for a fire bellied newt.
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