Hi guys I'm Josh,
I'm a relatively new hobbyist, keeping tropicals for almost a year. i currently have two tanks, one 45l and a new 70l one just established. Unfortunately my experience is limited which is why I have come here. since i have been keeping i've had neons, danios, fighter, upside down cat fish, platys and at the moment penguin tetras. of all the above fish, only my original platy and upside down cat fish have survived. I also have 4 remaining penguins.
Two days ago i notice my smallest platy didn't seem to happy. as it turns out i lost him yesterday. Unsure of why it happened i did a water change to reduce ammonia levels etc. today i found i lost another penguin. How do i go about fixing this problem??? I perform a water change at least once a week but still i seem to be losing fish. That is the 45l tank.
In my 70l tank i currently keep 2x Opaline Gouramis, 2x veil-tail marbled Angelfish, 2x Golden Rams, 1x Bristlenose Catfish and 1x Upside Down Catfish (previously transferred from the 45l). I'm thinking about adding a couple of Swordtails, khuli loaches and a school of smaller fish... maybe some more Penguins, or Zebra Danios. Any advice on how to stock this tank and prevent any further deaths??
In the mid term I'd like to go up to 100+ litres. In the long term even bigger still as well as getting in to live plants. A marine tank would be super cool (perhaps something like you see on the show Tanked!) but lots of things to learn before hand. I'm really looking forward to learning from other enthusiasts, via posts or meeting anybody locally.
thanks for the advice in advance