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Everything posted by Owlover88

  1. I have upgraded to 165 litres tank about six months ago so its been established. I had a look at the angelfish and I have noticed that he had cloudy eyes and I'm at lost on how to save him, I lost previous angelfish to it about two months ago so Im determined not to lose him too. I have done water parameter test and both ammonia and nitrate is at 00ppm but my nitrates is very high at 80ppm. Ph is at 7.2 and Kh is 0-50pmm (2 drops). I have put in crushed coral in there a week ago to increase Kh but it didnt work till I tries Kh booster. All the fish are doing great, thriving except for my angelfish. So I would like to ask what is the next step to treating him. I was recommended that I should get nitrazorb to combat the issue and that I should dose the tank with primafix and melafix and do 20% water change and no feeding fish for at least a week. Will that works? Unfortunately I don't have a medical tank as my spare tank sprung a leak and couldnt be fix The current fish mates in tank are 10 neons, 6 bristlenoses (3 @ 7cm), 2 loaches,2 SAE and 2 juvenile angelfish Any tips please?
  2. I assume she is female based on the dorsal fin shape and the ridge of her head by googling sex comparison. Yeah I also suspect that the male may be beating her up. He was aggressive toward her. Thanks for the tips, will try them. Last question, how would I know if I complete the meds. Do I continue if she is still unwell?
  3. Hi there Need help with sick angelfish please. I only noticed that my female angelfish was on the floor, on her side on Tuesday. she was trying to fan herself but won't swim or eat. I couldn't do anything apart from doing water change & dosing melafix till I gathered enough money to get furan-2. Saw her eyes were cloudy so I suspect she may have bacterial infection plus fin rot cos one of her underneath fin was broken off. So bought furan-2 yesterday (saturday) and did 25% water change before dosing (4 packet for 165litres tank). And I did another 25% water change and dose 4 packets again today. She is not looking any better, although her eyes cleared up. She is still on her side,fanning herself and even tries to eat liquid fry food. Water temp is between 25 and 27 degrees although I can't be sure, cannot read the meter. She is in the breeding box in the middle of the tank and every time I comes near, she struggle to get up but couldn't. She is having a stringy yellow but could be white discharge and her area looks a bit red. Apart from that, I couldn't tell what is wrong with her so am hoping that furan-2 would do the job. Is there anything else I can do to treat her as well? Medicated food? I don't want to lose her and I was hoping she will breed with the male angelfish. The male fish is fine, just happy to eat all her food. It's a first time I'm dealing with a sick fish and I'm been doing fish hobby for over two years so I'm really lost.
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