Hey everyone!
I totally agree with the other person that some flyers or advertising wouldn't go amiss, as I had no idea that you guys were here!! I had been visiting some of the more popular American sites, which were good but very confusing as commen names differ so greatly between countries! (some of you may have noticed my Siamese Algae eater/black line flying fox dilemma!!!!) (all sorted out now thanks!!)
I feel slightly down the fishy food chain here cos' I keep the humble goldfish!! (and not even fancy ones at that!!!)
I have had fish for about 6 years now. I have a 180L tank with a variey of plump and healthy goldfish. I don't really go for the very fancy ones or ones with big eyes or huge tails, just plain healthy, very active and bright goldfish, that I can sit in my lounge and enjoy!
I'm quite into 'aquascaping' using natural materials, but with a funky and contemporary look - I've even painted a few of my own backgrounds cos' most of the ones on the market are so ordinary looking!
I must say that I have been tempted of late to set up a tropical tank with my old (slightly smaller) tank - but I'll definately get back to you all before I do!!
I have only just recently moved to Auckland (with fish in tow!) and had been having some dilemmas about the best retailers here - thanks to everyone who suggested places!
Anyway, just a quick Hullo, nice to meet you all!