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About Retzy88

  • Birthday 11/30/1978

Extra Information

  • Location
    Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Wellington, NZ
  • About You
    Fish keeping (only new to this), RC Cars, fishing, camping, hunting

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Retzy88

    Hello from chch

    Hi Espi. Like you I to am breeding guppies. First timer her though lol. Would be interested in understanding how you crossed some over the years. I'm also very new to this site. I think like maybe a month. Welcome, and enjoy Duane
  2. Hi, I only added the salt and Melafix once. I added approx half a teaspoon of both to the tank once id completed the 70% water change. I did make sure the water temp was back at 28 degrees before adding to the 30%. ammonia: dont have a test kit for that, but its vacuumed cleaned every second day. nitrite: approx 0.5 nitrate: pretty much 0 PH: about 6.5 - 7.0 I came home from work today to find him sitting on the bottom of his tank and looked to be breathing hard. I thought id try him in another tank and when I grab him with the net, he took off at a million miles an hour. I finally caught him and moved him into one of my community tanks but placed him in a breeding tray. for the last hour or so ive been watching him and he appears to be breathing much better. little swims from time to time. Perhaps the Fluval Chi tank is too small and not giving him the room he needs?? Sorry to cause a headache here, just want to learn what to do for the better interests for my fish :-) Appreciate all input
  3. I have the temp at 28 degrees at the moment. It was at 25 leading up to the fin clamping. Here is a pic. sorry about the quality, bad lighting. In regards to water movement, its all the standard kit that comes in the box, all ive added is the heater and the small bubble stone. Perhaps this is causing more movement than required for this little guy?? Thoughts
  4. Its been topped back with 28 degree water. This is the 1st fighter ive had with females. The previous 2 were just solitary fish. One lasted about 18 months and the second only lasted 3 months Have separated the females and left him alone Fingers crossed
  5. Hmmm ok. Ill try that. They have been getting along fine. Ive had all 3 in the same tank for about a month and had no dramas. Ive just done a 70% water change and kept the temp high. Ill separate the females out and see if that makes a difference. Thank
  6. Its a Fluval Chi tank approx 20ltrs. It is housing 2 females and 1 male altogether. No separations. I have learned that I should increase the water temp to approx 26-30 degrees c which I have now done. i am also trying to feed them more than just tropical flakes. Bloodworms and brine shrimp have been added. Heres hoping it makes a difference
  7. Hi everyone. I have an ongoing issue where my dragon fighters tails keep going manky. Looks like I've put gel on the tail and turned it to dreadlocks. I feel it looks like all the tail is still there just clumped together. It's only the male that has issues with his tail. Two other females in the tank seem fine. I've tested the water and its fine. Does anyone know what could be the issue? I've tried adding salts and Melafix but these don't seem to help. This is the 3rd dragon fighter I've had that has now gone this way. Would appreciate any ideas or advice. Thanks
  8. Good to hear that Someone Swears by it. Mind me asking which thickness you are using? Im thinking 5cm thick? thoughts?
  9. Yeah I was his boss at the Hospital. He said you were a mountain of knowledge when it came to fish. I may from time to time ask some advice of you so thank you for you for your offer. I promise to not make a hassle of myself. Look forward to chatting more sometime. Duane :-)
  10. hi there. I am currently attempting to breed guppies. A question I have is has anyone tried poret foam as the partition in the tank? I have informed of the idea by my local pet shop fish guru. To be honest the idea does seem very Cool indeed. Thoughts?
  11. Hi there Faran. A friend of mine said you are the fish guru. Vincent Duncan. He said it would be a good move to say hello and make myself known to you. So hello. :-)
  12. Thanks to you all for welcoming me in. Hopefully I don't become "that annoying guy who asks too much" lol. I promise to do my own research and ask for clarity and ideas when needed. If there is anyone in the local Wellington area who would like to assist/help or even just join me on the learning bandwagon with breeding my guppies, please feel free to make yourself known to me. So, is there anyone else here who has done or currently doing this?
  13. Hello to you all. This is my first post on this... actually first on any fish forums. I figured Id join a site like this to communicate ideas to and fro. Im very very new to fish keeping only having been in the hobby for a little over 18 months now. for about 15 months I was only looking after 1 100ltr tropical tank. the bug really bit me hard over christmas and Im now running a 240Ltr, 2 x 100ltr, 1 x 80ltr, a 45 ltr marine tank (new start) and birthday present for my fiance which is a 19ltr Fluval Chi tank. So im kinda really committed now whether i realised it or not . Really enjoying the learning of the ins and outs rights and wrongs of fish keeping but still aware there is SOOO much for me to learn. Hoping that I can contribute to the forums in some small way but being so new Im sure ill be here for help and advice for myself. Please be patient with me :-) Im currently undertaking a little project where i have my 2 x 100ltr and my 80 ltr tanks set up for breeding guppies. I currently have about 8 heavy pregnant females (perhaps within a week) and about another 3 or 4 in early stages of pregnancy. There are a mix of Flamingo's, snakesskins, albino's, moscows, panda's etc... not to sure what Ill get out but fingers crossed there are some nice coloured ones. Oh crap, forgot to mention my name. My name id Duane. Im from Wellington. I look forward to chatting more and getting some critical useful advice. Thanks for allowing me to chat amongst you all. Many thanks
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