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  1. Hi there, So basically I returned from my holiday (which was around 4 weeks long) around two weeks ago. About one week ago I discovered signs of weak 'pine-cone' scales on one of my goldfish, which I had known to be a big eater so he was pretty fat. After some research I found out this was dropsyThen I Googled some cures to dropsy in hope to find a cure (although chances of survival are pretty slim). I did some water changes and used Epsom salt. The scales were slowly rising day by day. Unfortunately when I returned home today, I discovered that my goldfish had died. I was planning to euthanize him today when I got home as he had not been eating and was lying at the bottom of the tank for the past day. Photo of Victor the day before he died: http://i.imgur.com/oVWQiCY.jpg So basically now I want to ask if I should do anything to treat the other fish in my tank (there are 2) as I am afraid they may have caught the 'disease' from Victor. Should I keep on using the Epsom Salts? Also after the death of Victor, should I perform a 50% water change or anything? Thanks, William
  2. Sorry about the late reply, I treated my fish with Furan 2 and the 'wart things' did not disappear so I believe this is probably karp pox disease. Thanks
  3. OK thanks for your help guys
  4. So hi, Well recently after I came back from my holiday, I found my 2 year old fish with some weird white wart like things on my goldfish's body. I think this may be columnaris or something. Could you please help me diagnose the disease and suggest methods of curing it? Thanks (Note: I have 2 other fish in the tank and they have not caught it yet. The white stuff on the one fish however is slowly spreading i think) Thanks, William
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