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Posts posted by fishy11

  1. Hi is there anybody out there who is interested in wanting a red collared lorikeet? He is nearly 3 years old, and has been DNA tested as a male. He has heaps of character and is such an awesome bird, but is not so keen on hands. He prefers just to jump onto your shoulder but won't sit on your hand. He does talk a lot and makes a lot of different noises as well - hes very entertaining.

    Please PM if you are interested or know anyone who would be. I am located in Auckland.

  2. All very good ideas :D

    I use to keep discus in a 215L tank, and they somehow managed to survive overnight when my temperature dropped to 8 degrees overnight from 30 degrees. And this was all because one of my foster kittens found the heater plug and somehow managed to unplug it :-?

    Best of luck to those who still do not have power in wellington :(

  3. Fishy11, you removed your post and then requoted it - what are you trying to achieve?

    And I note that when you say 'they want everything their way' , it is a gross generalisation and is the sort of post I was meaning in my comment earlier about making opinions objective and not an attack.

    Because then people can't target my opinion by quoting it. I had to quote it again so that the person who originally quoted what I said, can see that I got rid of the post. Now its up to them if they want to delete the post if they find it so bad to target me on my own opinion. Unless they do not delete it, then it does not really matter whether I reposted what i said or not because its still there. Get it?

  4. I just want you to read that post back to yourself, take a minute to let it all in and ask yourself if it's a bit much?

    This type of extreme speech can spread quite easily and have some serious consequences. I think freedom of speech is great and all but calling an entire race pathetic and embarrassing is pretty much hate speech. You are allowed to be racist just probably not a good idea to express it so keenly.

    Quite surprised this thread hasn't been shut down. Disgusted actually considering I have been told off for less.

    Happy now its gone? Normally I would think about what I say, but its going to far especially for this day and age. I do not understand why they want everything to be their way and make us all pay for this sort of stuff. It is ridiculous.

  5. Cyano can still thrive without phosphates. It is a bacteria, so they can easily adapt to thriving off other compounds in your tank. Hence why it is a pain to get rid of and one of the only things that can get rid of it is provided by vets as an anti biotic.

    Once it kills it off you need to physically remove the dead cyano as it will sit in your tank and rot if not removed.

  6. Hey try adding more fast growing plants as this will make the algae have to compete for light nutrients etc. Also adding siamese algae eaters will help get rid of the black beard algae.

    Discard all the plants that are heavily affected by algae, and maybe add some CO2 and increase the current flow.

    If some bits of algae fall off then manually remove it from the tank because it will start to decay.


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