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    Southampton, England
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    Photography, Computers, Fish (Of Course) Freshwater, Old Mini's, Drums, My Ska Band

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  1. Cheers Matt, this is really usefull cos i've been trying to look for somehing like this and it is pretty much what i'm trying to achive. if any1 uses this program and thinks it could be changed.improved then tell me how and i'll go about solving your problems. Thanx again matt.
  2. Go here and read the 4th paragraph down. Well read the whole thing but escpecially the 4th paragraph. http://www.users.bigpond.com/rjeb/clown.html
  3. Thanx for your feedback. i was thinking of makng it have reminders, the porblem would be that the program would need to be running, i could make it load a part of the program on bootup which has a reminder. Thanx for your ideas, keep them coming.
  4. Also check you water conditions, if they are bad than it probably is, not that they can't get it in good water conditions. hope they are ok.
  5. I have decided to do this program and will be making a website on it soon for people to do a survey, leave feedback at least. I have to include all/most of these forum replies in my write-up aswell so it would be great to have some feedback. i don't know what section this should really be in so i stuck it in here, i wasn't sure if i should put it in the technical section. On the website there will be a specificartion. but before i make it i would like some ideas of what to put in it. the current spec is: New Tank Setup program - Enter water details and it will tell you when the tank is ready for fish. Fish compatability - Will tell you what fish you can add according to current stocks, tank size etc Tank details - Volume, weight. also water hardness etc Old/new tank routine program - tell you what to do each day to maintain a good tank and good routine program. The program will have a file on each tank to store its water, size and fish stock information. Could you please tell me if this sounds ok or if there is anything that could be added/removed/chenged etc. Also i need a/some real user(s) who i can Email/PM and who will test prototypes etc, preferably with limited computer knowledge but any1 is welcome. I am also going to offer a free version of the working program to users of the FNZAS forums. Thankyou for any ideas or suggestions.
  6. I Kinda Pat the gravel as i go to lift up and debris.
  7. Once the tank has settled a good rule is 10% every week or 20% every 2 weeks, i would just suck up as much crud as it take sto do a 10/20% water Change. The gravel should clear up and stay relitavely clean if you do bout 10% a week i think.
  8. If youv've got any small tanks i suggest you try both methods or at least try the UGF plate method abd find out if it does work and how effective it is. then report back and tell the rest of us.
  9. I've never seen these before. it sound like a good idea if you need some water movement and theres no reason you should get any dead spots with it. i'm not sure how bettas will react to water jets really.
  10. I am writing a program for my computing coursework for A2 and an idea I had would be a Program that you could enter Water details and it would tell you your water quality, what fish you can have depending on what type of setup you want. it could involve Hardness Calculators etc. Please post any ideas and your thoughts on this. There is another thread on this program in this section. Anyway all ideas welcome and i'll see what can be done. Thanks for your help. Joel :D
  11. I too have just set up a tank and have had fish in it for a few weeks, i can tell you that it is an important stage and could take several weeks to settle down before more fish can be added, i would definately get test kits, mainly Nitrite, because it is the middle of the cycle and once the Nitrite levels are down the tank is pretty much ready for new fish (I only use a Nitrite test because i didn't have much money spare when i got the tank and because the LFS owner said that it is really the most important test). 20% sounds good, also make sure it is Dechlorinated either by leaving it to stand for a few days or by using Chemicals and it should be the same temperature to avoid shocking the fish. Now that my tank has settled down i am going to get a couple of Bristlenoses too because they are great fish and i have grown some algae over the past couple of weeks. Good luck luck and happy fish keeping.
  12. Well its been high for about 2 weeks, i didn't think that they would spike for so long, its probably because it had never had fish in before and hadn't built up any bacteria. i had done a few water cahnges, a couple of 50% ones. a few days ago i did a huge 60-70% waterchange and left it a couple of days. Now my nitrite levels have gone down to almost zero so hopefully i will be getting some new fish on the weekend, probably 2 bristlenoses.
  13. Ok then Platies. that looks a better spelling anyway. I have a small problem. One of my fish developed fungus and then died overnight i was going to get him treated the day after but had ded. Also my Nitrite levels are high, they went up when i put the fish in but they still havn't gone down even after i did a 50% water change. i'm a bit worried, what could be causing it. i have Plants, Gravel, Bogwood and fish in my tank. I think the filter is working ok but they are still high. any ideas? thanx
  14. I know, my girlfriend and her family uses this shop for their Reptiles and we all went down to look at tanks and i realised that it is a great shop, she knows a lot about both fish and reptiles and won't let any customers do anything wrong, its not particularly local but its worth the drive. The Platties we're only £4.00 for 4 which is $11.80 (seems a lot). The reason i got them was because i'd like to keep Angels eventually and i heard that tetras might get eaten, She said that these would be ok with angels and they we're pretty colorful. BTW is it Platties or Platys? or neither, i'm not sure.
  15. Well i got my new tank and have posted about its problems but i realised i havn't posted just about it. so here goes: I got mytankit was smaller than i originally went for but still bout 85L. i have some twisted val. and last monday was my Birthday and i got 4 Platties. i originally went to get some Catfish but the owner of the shop said to start with the platties so i just agreed, she had remembered me from the week before, its a really good shop and she knows what she's talking about, also if she had sold me the Catfish, she would have got more money out of me. Anyway, i always thought that a couple of bristlenoses would have been ok to start with.
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