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Posts posted by randomsam1001

  1. Hi guys, thanks for all the support with my Siamese Fighter post in diseases, and he is much better now. I am now thinking about giving him some mates. I have been looking at Celestial Pearl Danios, and correct me if I'm wrong, but they are compatible. The main reason for the tank mates is that I would like a fish cleaning up any food the Siamese Fighter leaves behind, but not a catfish. The problem now is if CPDs, or any other fish (not catfish) will eat betta food.

    Thanks, Sam

  2. Hi guys. I need some help with my siamese fighting fish. He is not swimming around like he usually does, and is sitting under the indian fern and on the gravel most of the time. It is a 25L Fluval Chi and the only other inhabitant is a Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco. All the water parameters are normal and I have not been under/over feeding. I have added prime and stability to treat the whole tank but he has still not been back to normal. Sorry for the bad image quality.


  3. Also would wonder how the gouramis would do if I had a female and a male?

    Fine, until the RTS tries to kill them.

    last time I had gouramis and RTS together the gourami scared the RTS...one of the only ones that could stand up to him.

  4. Forgot to add that the RTS will also be in the tank. Just thinking about what to do about the khuli loach, possibly 3? Also would wonder how the gouramis would do if I had a female and a male? This would be a planted tank, and What plants would be BN proof?

    Thanks, Sam

  5. Hi all, was going to restock my tank with different fish, as the Red tailed shark has bullied the swordtails, and some friends would like them. It is a 125 l tank, but with a filter capable of 200ish l. So the plan was to eventually have 10 cardinals, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 Adolfoi Cories, a bristlenose, chocolate zebra pleco and a khuli loach. Would this be overstocked?

    Thanks, Sam

  6. It is all over our back wall (internal jewel background). I was thinking about buying a blackline flying fox or double dosing flourish excel to get rid of the established parts as I have heard the blackline flying fox will only eat the smaller less established parts. Opinions would be greatly appreciated. Tank is 200L with eheim professional suited to 250L.

    Thanks Sam.

  7. Black Lined flying fox = Siamese Algae Eater = Crossocheilus siamensis

    Flying Fox = Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus

    Both have been the country and are easily confused.

    The Black Lined Flying Fox - the real algae eater has a black line that extends the length of the body and through the tail. This is a member of the shark family and therefore is semi aggressive, fast and likes lots of space. It should not be kept in a tank with a red tailed shark.

    My Uncle used to keep one with a red tailed shark and discus, with no problems :dunno:

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