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Posts posted by animllvr

  1. How do I cancel my membership / subscription on this forum?

    I am sick to the back teeth with the attitude of some people on here and no longer wish to be a member - give me the overseas forums everyday!!!!!

    My apologies to those i was going to arrange the importation of fish for but . . . .

  2. Guess what IT WORKS - the ancients ways of doing things arent always the easiest or best.

    I cant believe people on this forum - spouting crap about things they have no experience of or have never tried, :an!gry No wonder people are going away from keeping fish etc, given the attitude of alot on here

    From now on, Im sticking to the foreign forums!!!

  3. Have you actually tried it?????

    I have setup 6 marine tanks, each time using Stability, and have started stocking the tank the following day. Have done the 'cycle for a month' thing years ago and would rather use Stability any day!

  4. I keep using it - at water changes and I put a little in every 4 to 6 weeks, just helps keep things in balance

    Did they not have any Kuda? They are a bit more 'forgiving', esp as you havent kept horses before. You could ask someone to import specially for you if you wanted to be sure of what you get, I think there are a couple of importers up north who would do that. I also suggest you try for captive bred rather than wild caught - they are a bit easier to feed etc

  5. If you intend to keep seahorses I would use Seachem Stability all the time - this way you DONT need to wait to 'cycle' the tank and it really helps with keeping the water levels under control. Suitable fish would depend on what species of horse you are going to keep. They are great fun and really rewarding but can cause a few grey hairs, :sml1: I used to bred several species and LOVED keeping them

  6. Im wanting to setup my marine tanks again, but also interested in setting up a small freshwater tank (probably more inverts rather than fish in it).

    have various marine tanks but do have 2 nice tall tanks that I had specially made when I was keeping pot-bellies a few years ago. 210 & 276 litres.

    Ideally would like to get back into the seahorses again (hopefully a range of colours like I used to have), marine & freshwater shrimps, smaller growing kelps, be also great to get some of the nice NZ corals and fans aswell (the fans make great 'hitching posts'), maybe a few of the electric scallops etc but, ideally, would like to get back into the seahorses again and start breeding them again

  7. Where does everyone get their livestock from?

    Is it all collected 'wild' or are there captive breeders?

    I am not medically capable of collecting wild so have to rely on other sources - only I cant find any, &c:ry

    Any ideas REALLY appreciated


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