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About Bay7
- Birthday 03/08/1974
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Yeah, did that thanks Adrienne but it didnt look damaged. Its held on to the little spindle by magnestism it seems.
http://aquaone.net.nz/cart_product2238- ... Title=AQUA ONE 101F MAXI INTERNAL FILTER 350 L/HR Hi All, Does anyone have one of these filters? I've just inherited one and have put it in to use but it's REALLY noisy. A loud constant humming/vibrating and the odd rattle/clacking noise? Now I know most filters make a little bit of noise but this just seems too loud to me, so any suggestions as to what could be wrong?? I've looked at the impeller and cant see anything visibly wrong with it? Cheers.
Hmmm, this is where I'm having 'brain-strain SamH........ I understand the cycle, but when the water comes back in via the spray bar, what stops it overflowing from the front or sides of the tank? Why would it over-flow to the back section (where the filter out-take is)? If the back section had slots cut in it, I could see how the water would return back to that section. Perhaps an end-view piccy may help my old 'grey-matter' understand :smln: Also, what would stop the fish jumping over to the back section too? Lastly, with a spray bar along the top, what type of lighting would you use? Soz for all the questions.
I'd also like to add that this will not be for storage or breeding etc. Its purely to home a few of my fish and a bay or two more for another
Hi all, Seeking advice about how a Betta Barracks works. I'm looking at around four bays/barracks in one tank. I'm not too keen on trailing hoses and external sumps/pumps etc but would like those components hidden and out of sight, as well as the heater. Found this old post on another forum but found it very helpful. http://ausaqua.net/forum/index.php?s=9f ... =6448&st=0 It's the same type of thing that I want to do but seems a little too over-engineered with all of the plastic extras and hose connections. I'd also prefer it all to be made out of glass as one unit but it would be hard (very expensive??) to put the slots in the rear partition as he has?? Fi5HGuy has given me some advice and offered to show me how things work when I next visit, just wondering if anyone else has suggestions? I've seen some for sale where the rear partition goes from end-to-end as usual but has a 3mm gap all the way along at the bottom. How does that work?? Wouldnt the substrate cover that gap? I'm also not keen on DIY partitions with suckers and would like to buy a tank with the dividers in, as stated earlier. Sorry for all the Q's, but still very new to all of this and have not seen a Barracks set up before. Cheers.
Just returned from a trip to Auckland and had the oppurtunity to pop in to HFF Mnt Roskill. They had some lovely looking Fighters in there with all different tail types and colours. I did get some piccys but dont have a photo-account anywhere. The pics weren't that great anyway. Some nice all-black CTs 1 little all-white CT Various HMs in solid and varied colours. Some really nice finnage and great colourings. A little bronze'ish colour with black lacelike fins (HM I think). A couple of VTs of solid colour I think. ....and quite a few more that I cant remember. Must of been at least 12 in there. The little white CT and the little bronze one with black lacelike fins were my favourites. They were just unusual. So tempted to get another but no space at the mo!!!!! Was actually thinking of buying a small tank there so I could bring another home but other half put a NO-NO on that one. So I came home empty handed.
So, went out for ramble this morning and found what looked to be a good spot over the back of Papamoa. Climbed over a few rocks to get to the flowing, fresher looking water. Slid over and got a wet arse and a shoe full of water. Swishing around with the small net for about 20 minutes in different parts of the water and eventually bagged myself two little shrimps :thup: Also caught four fish about 2.5" - 3.5" long. No idea what they were but had quite nice brownish/black markings. Looked like what we would call a gudgeon http://www.purepiscator.com/img/hof/gudgeon.jpg back in England but this was smaller with quite a wider mouth. Anyway, I put those guys back and took me shrimps home. Acclimatised the two little guys(?) for around half an hour by slowly adding more and more warmer water from my tank. They seemed happy, to be moving around and ready for introducing to my 25L tank. :facepalm: BOOM They were mobbed!! The Betta and (small shoal (6)) Neons thought it was Christmas, running around, shouting and screaming trying to get to their new pressies &c:ry The smaller shrimp had an eye missing and a few legs before he was even half way down the bloody tank. They both made it to the plant-cover and hid for a while. I felt a bit bad for the shrimp, but the new behaviour in my Betta was great to watch. He started stalking through the plants and places he'd never usually go until he came across the lame shrimp again........and attacked!! He kept going until the thing didnt move any more and to my suprise, carried it in his mouth to a hollow-bell I have in the tank. He dropped it outside and basically kept circling the bell one or twice, flaring. Almost like he was showing off about what he'd just caught. He'd then stop and take another bite or two from it before resuming his circling. When he came up for a bit of air, the Neons would rush in to have their nibbles before he came back to chase them off. I know it didnt work out too well for shrimp Number-1, but watching what just happened had me better entertained and enthralled than the bloody movie we hired last night, it was great seeing the different behaviours in my fish......even though it did cost me a bruised bum and wet shoe!! Shrimp Number-2 is a little larger and has managed to keep out of the way. Lets hope he survives to do the job they were put in there for, if not, looks like I'll be getting the beers and munchies in and settling down for a good action show......I'm Sparticus!!
OK F15hguy, give me some of your secret spots around Tauranga. Are they more common in moving-water or still? Cheers
Yep, it happened. My Betta of three weeks decided to jump out of his Chi aquarium &c:ry Lots of advice telling me they jump but after seeing him happily swim around and no sign of jumping I thought nothing of it.....gutted! Not sure how long he was out of the water (may be half-hour, may be an hour, may be longer?) but he looked in a pretty bad way when I found him. He's a light-white/pinkish colour, with light-blue fins but I'm sure I could see little pinkish bloodstains on him around the gills and down the veins in his tail. I put him in a little spare tank with around 6" of salt treated water. By the look of him and inactivity I really didnt think he would make it. He was just laying half sideways on the bottom gasping. Well it's been 24 hours now, and although he looks like he's done 10 rounds with Tyson, he is showing signs of activity and responsiveness. He's swimming around but rests quite a bit and he has taken a couple of tiny pellets. He now comes back up to the front to greet me again. His fins now have dark red (dried blood) at the end of all of them but I'm hoping we're over the worst?? Any further advice on how to help him would be much appreciated. I feel really guilty as I had been warned and now he is paying for my mistake :facepalm: Two new lids on thier way from UK as we speak (cant find the lids for the Chi over here) and a temp roof while we wait. So my newbie advice to other newbie Batta keepers is.........ONE DAY YOUR BETTA WILL JUMP! It may not be completely out of his tank but be warned.
Just reviving an old post.........my Neons are bloody horrible little buggers!!! I never thought they were like this but a few in the tank actually sneak......yep all casual, around to the back of my Betta and the bravest goes for a nip of his tail :an!gry Either I've got a pussy Betta, or we've got some psycho neons around at the mo. They never do it when he's facing them and he seems to be the boss. He rarely goes for them though, only when they do nip him.
After defrosting a cube (or part cube) of bloodworms, how long can you keep them for?? I defrosted a cube, got rid of the water, put them in a few 'mm' of tap water and keep them in the fridge. How long will they last before I should not give them to the fish? Cheers all!
Thanks all for the advice. Sheepsnana, I'll check Carine tomorrow and see if I can find what you're talking about, and thank you very much for your offer. I may take you up on it. Fishguy, do you know what Sheepsnana is talking about, perhaps you can help me tomorrow? Yes, I'll be putting the little square pot in my tank. I presume I'll need to fill it up with substrate first as it's approx 3" deep, but do I need anything else in there.........like a peat or mulch or something? There are a few little square pots of different sizes in the tank and each will hold a different type of plant. They all sit on top of a black/white chip substrate at the moment. Had to keep the Mrs happy you see as it goes along with the Feng Shwoosh :facepalm: look of the the tank. It houses my one Betta.
Hi All, I've got a small square pot about 3" x 3" x 3" that is going in one of my tanks (Fluval Chi 19L). I have the standard LED downlighters in there for illumination. They do shine very brightly and penetrate right to the bottom of the tank. Firstly, is what I'm after is advice on a very short 'grass' or 'moss' type of plant that I can put in the pot. Ideally to dome just over the top of the pot and to fill it to all edges (a square patch). Something that would be OK with my light-source and generally easy to care for please. Secondly, I could drop the pot off to someone local and would be really greatful if they could plant it for me and show me how its done :thup: , as I have no experience as yet with setting up and growing plants. I'd obviously be willing to pay for materials and time. Hmmm, should this be in the Trade Section? :dunno: Sorry, forgot to mention that its a Freshwater tank sitting at a temp of 27 degrees C. Cheers all.
Cheers all. Advice taken on-board. What if the fish want to stay up later than me though....they may be waiting up to watch the late film or something :lol: @ F15hguy: So far so good mate, but its only been a day. Fingers crossed.
As title says really. Do you turn your aquarium lights off when you go to bed?