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Posts posted by NPnewbie

  1. This might be a silly question I've got this monster of a tank (2m by 600mm by 600mm). I am thinking of putting it outside and was wondering if there are any pros or cons or suggestions from members. I am thinking of just keeping large gold fish in it nothing too fancy or specilised. Large as in body size exculding tails 10cm. What do you all think?? Crazy idea. How many of this size fish could I keep in a tank this size?? Would 8 be too many??

  2. I wonder if anyone here can tell what this might be....I've just noticed on the tail fin of one of my comet a cluster of 3 to 4 tiny little blisters...looks like eggs with a red dot in one or two of them....couldn't be eggs could they? otherwise the fish looks and swims fine ......it is happy as Larry but for this growth??

  3. I found this site on underground gravel jets by Marc Elieson:


    I haven't been able to find a contact email for the author so was wondering if anyone on here has any expertise with this idea. I am particularly interested in what kind of pump can be used...I want to use something small like a Rio 180 or 200 (3L/min and 3.5L/min respectively) and was wondering how many jets these would handle.

    Secondly where to position the jets around my tank because it's not rectangular.

    thirdly I believe this would rectify any dead spots but how would Betta's like all the water movement?? I've read they like still water.

    Thanks in advance to everyone who has taken the time to read and answer this. All responses appreciated.

  4. Probably a silly question: should the spray bar of an external filter be set above the water line, below the water line or spraying outside of the tank? I know the last one isn't right so if anyone has any opionions please help....This is a serious question by the way. :P

  5. Hello Caryl how was fiji....by the way how do you adjust or regulate the temperature in your tanks that use your DIY heat pads? Do you use a thermostat of some sort? If so did you make it yourselves? Been trying to find shcematics on one but haven't been sucessful. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for the hints Doc...now people where do I buy a nice Betta....New Plymouth doesn't have a lot of choice....and the LFS is quite over priced I feel....ie $5 for guppies!! $12 for brittlenose!


  7. Hello people this may be a really silly question but here it goes...is it possible to use a water bed heater to hear an aquarium?? I was thinking it must be just as good as a normal heater.....has anyone out there used one to heat their aquarium...it's just that I've got one lying around.....


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