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  1. Axolotls should be kept alone, or they will try and eat the goldfish, and the goldfish may nibble their gills. Axolotls should be with axolotls, or things you intend to be their food. Also, if your pond has gravel on the bottom, that isn't suitable for axolotls either.
  2. It doesn't have any bracing, but I'll keep that idea in case I ever make one for my larger tank, thanks
  3. Oh nails! Didn't think of that genius! The problem is the poly floats, and I don't want to take up anymore floor space, because it's for my axolotls, so it just flat, rather than coming round at the corners of anything. I feel like I couldn't do it tight enough to stay in place, without making it too tight and not fitting in.
  4. I have considered suction cups, but not sure on their strength, or how to attach them. I like the idea of velcro, but that would need siliconed onto the glass. Still less permanent than siliconing the entire thing, so I will definitely consider that option, thanks
  5. I've made my background, but now I need to keep it anchored in, in a non-permanent fashion. Any suggestions? I thought magnets but are magnets safe underwater? It's rather bouyant!
  6. Also, axies as a whole aren't too sensitive, but their babies are. My background is for my young ones tank, so want it as safe as possible.
  7. Ok thanks for all your input everybody I had a wee look at Mitre 10 for concrete pgiment but couldn't really find anything. I was probably in the wrong section. I'll check Bunnings as well, and see what I come up with. Appreciate all your help!
  8. Just outdoor paint? Did you use any special kind? I'm not sure if I want to use this, just in case, because it is for a baby axolotl tank, and they are extra sensitive. I will keep the option in mind though, cause I don't know what better luck I will have. Have you noticed any cracking or peeling? pH spikes or anything with it?
  9. I'm making a DIY background with polystyrene and layers of concrete. Possibly mixing in some acrylic paint, cause I have no idea where to find cement paint or something to colour it. What can I use as a sealing final layer? More importantly, where can I buy it? How much is it approximately? I have minimum experience with these things, and all the videos and tutorials use american products. I have read many things leak toxins into the water, so I want the safest thing possible. Not "marine-grade" things as I've read they aren't safe over a long time. Any help? Thanks in advance if anyone can help me. I've read through some of the posts here on DIY but I need to know where to buy these things, and what is best.
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