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Everything posted by Annah

  1. Ok well I don't know if this is man made or what. I got it from LFS in an unlabeled bag. Its fine in my other tank that has tetras, and platys in it, but then again they don't burrow! I want them to be able to do what they do, and if that is burrow into the substrate, then so be it. I do want to see them sometimes though! Well when I look at it closely it looks like there aren't any real sharp edges and it doesn't feel sharp. Maybe I will just give it a try and see how we go.
  2. Thanks Sophia I already have some gravel in the tank from a previous set up, I'm just not sure that its fine enough for the loaches. This is it here: http://web.stagram.com/p/243183492263651925_144426865 Doesn't look too sharp?
  3. Can anyone tell me what sort of sand might be in this photo? It looks like the terranium sand I was talking about..
  4. Hi all. I'm setting up a tank for a group of Kuhli loaches and trying to find a suitable sandy substrate, as I understand they tend to burrow into the sand, so require something thats not sharp. I've read a few posts here advising to use Dalton's propagating sand, but I'm having trouble sourcing it locally. We don't have a Bunnings, and the Warehouse doesn't appear to stock it. Haven't yet tried Mitre 10 Mega, but it didn't appear to be on their website when I looked. I did however, find some terranium sand at the LFS, which I liked the look of. Just wondering if anyone has used this terranium sand in an aqarium and did it work ok?
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