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    North Shore, Auckland

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  1. Once the tank is fully settled, all I need to do is replace the plecos. The green phantom was amazing and I'd really like to find one to buy. Also there were two blue fins that died, so they need to be replaced too. If anyone knows of any for sale, please let me know. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks everyone, the tank seems to have settled now. It is a 550L tank and has been up and running several months now with very few problems. I think the problem was caused by a collection of things. An overdue water change, overdue filter clean, too much food in the tank. I have a long (1m+) air line thing that puts air in along the back of the tank. i have another air pump so i will add that with another air stone. I also have a powerful water agitator, but it is so strong I worry about fish being sucked into it, so have not used it.
  3. Not much surface agitation, would that help?
  4. No. I just did the same as I normally do. But the fish were dying before the water change.
  5. I have to use tap water as I replaced about 150-200 litres of tank water. This evening I added some seachem stability.
  6. I had six dead fish this morning, 4 plecos and two rainbows, including my green phantom and snowball. I changed water and cleaned the filter. This evening I found my bluefin pleco dead and loaches at the surface gasping for air, one loach died ther and then. Another wtaer change, but struggling to know what to do next. Nitrits are high 0.2 ish and ammonia is 0.25 ish. Help!!!!
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