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Chris H

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Everything posted by Chris H

  1. What's the life span of a gobb and what do you feed them on and how well do they do in a small tank?
  2. i have an empty 10 gallon tank and have two filter running from it was wondering what i should put in dont want any normal every day fish like guppies tetras ect. want something small but interesting to watch and and possibly a couple of. any ideas would be much appreciated.
  3. holly wood fish farm has some in at the moment about three last time i went in for $18 each but i do not know what the sex of them are and he said they rarely get them in as they are very hard to breed in captivity
  4. what are these cute little guys like to keep are they hard do they require special treatment of any sort? any info would be muchly appreciated
  5. Chris H


    Does anyone know anybody in whangarei who is selling around 10 demasonis?
  6. Is it just me or is shipping from the USA rediculusly expencive I can Get the same size and weight object from the uk which is on the other side of the world for like half the price if not a quarter?
  7. how much do they charge for it.
  8. yeah i know there artificial there ceramic but they look awsome. and they have raving reviews
  9. yeah ive looked ta that but they charge $94 for shipping to NZ and thats there cheapest option
  10. I have seen many people with those Cichlid stones on the net but does anybody know we're to buy them from? http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=cichli ... ih=416#i=8
  11. Here guys I could snap any pictures but here's a link to a vid on you tube of my fish hope it helps http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=msyGOhg92tk
  12. hey does anybody know were i can find or buy some of these fantastic rock of if anybody has this for sale? Chris
  13. The tails are looking slightly raggy aswell as the spinal fin on the tips. There is no white around the edges of the tail or any other fin and the both of them have the same symptoms and none of the other fish in the tank show any signs of rot the other fish are all juveniles two rustys 2 electric yellows 2red empress
  14. I did not notice it on them before I moved them into the bigger tank. I have read that stress canbe a key problem
  15. Out of all the fish in there only the lionheads have it
  16. Hey the really need some advice I recently upgraded my fish tank to a 215 L tank that has been cycles and the tails of my lion heads seem to be bait freyed would this be rot from stress?
  17. Yeah I know I have a friend I can pass them onto when they mature there currently 4 cm
  18. I have A 215L tank I currently have electric yellows rusts and lionhead cichlids in it was wandering what other cichlids can I put in that will mix well and won't out grow my tank?
  19. Hey wa just wondering if any body knows where I can get my hand on one of these Synodontis multipunctata also known as a cookoo catfish? Also how much do they sell for?
  20. What size woul you recomend for a pictus?
  21. I got told bristle nose don't like sandy substrate and I also have no wood or plants in there I got told pictus catfish would be fine but im wary because they are fairly expensive
  22. I'm currently adding 2 fish per week
  23. One filter says 900l an hour and the other says 1000l an hour I do weekly 20 to 30% water change
  24. hey i have a 215l cichlid tank with good filtration about 1600l an hour the temp it at about 26 degrees ph around 8.0 what possible species of catfish would be okay to live with these if there are any at all? it has coral sand and a few large pieces of coral with plenty of rocks and am planning to add some more hiding places to the tank. the cichlids currently in there are lionhead's red empress and rusty's thanks chris any knowledge would be appreciated. :sage:
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