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Posts posted by Raetea

  1. Yea been a really bad season for them.

    On that note there are still babies at 2 pet stores here in Christchurch.

    Pet and garden (they all have really nice colouring)

    Proud paws (not 100% sure they still have them, there was still 2 a week ago)

    I'm getting a beardie next year when I'm all set up for one. :) And yes, not many about this year - so just as well I'm not after one sooner!

    What's a reasonable amount to expect to pay for one? I saw some babies on trademe recently for $400 ish. I haven't seen any cheaper than that. I've also seen 5 year old adults for nearly $600. Haven't seen any in the pet stores yet, but I imagine they would be much more expensive.

    *Edited typos*

  2. Regarding outdoor enclosures - do those of you who have beardies still put them out for a bit of sun in winter, or on days where while sunny, it's still not very warm? NZ temperatures can drop so quickly.

    I was just wondering how they fare when they aren't in the warmth of their tank,- even if just out for a cruise around on the sofa. They must get 'cold' eventually? I imagine a good beardie owner knows when it is time for their dragon to go back into it's enclosure where it has everything it needs.

  3. True. For single beardie all good. I keep 3 in a 5 x 2 x2. Just need the extra size so the girls can hang out away from the boy. May I suggest you invest in an old hutch or similar so you can put him/her out for some sun occasionally. Just make sure dragon can chill in the shade no matter what angle of sun.

    Excellent - glad to know that size will be okay then :) We have a lovely sunny deck so s/he will certainly also have an outdoor enclosure too for nice days.

  4. Ah. That size enclosure might be around the biggest I can go in our small place, due to lots of windows. I read it from a few sources while researching as the minimum size - and the beardie would get taken out quite a bit, so I figured it would be okay for 1 beardie?

    Hopefully I can go a bit bigger, no point getting a beardie if I can't fit a big enough enclosure along the wall for him/her :(

    What would you personally recommend as the minimum size? Having had enclosure pets before, I know how important this is.


  5. True. Need at least the dimensions specified earlier in this thread. You can also get the 100W bulbs, both exoterra and JBL do them. Also be weary of some of the 'unknown' chinese brands you can source on the net, or the ones sold by Ultimate Reptiles in South Australia....any bulbs that fail the specs of companies like exoterra end up in the market through smaller players that get the 'rejects' cheaply. I ended up wiping out almost my entire colony as the bulbs I got cheap had insanely high UV levels that caused leukemia...and before anyone gets their knickers in a twist in Adelaide, I did have the bulbs tested (confirmed UV WAY above safe levels) and 2 separate vets confirmed leukemia by way of very expensive tests on my animals. Buy from a NZ company and if this happens to your animals you are covered for damages.

    I'll definitely be running the enclosure for a bit to make sure temps etc are all good. Certainly will be careful with bulbs - sorry to read of your loss :(

    Regarding the 100w bulbs mentioned above - is one of them suitable for a typical 1200x60x60mm tank enclosure, or will it still be too strong?

  6. Cheers guys, especially Varanophile for laying out that info, very helpful, it covers a few things that were a bit murky for me. There's soooo much info out there on google - as a newbie it's hard to know what is right or wrong, and just where to begin. I think I'll also pick up the bearded dragon manual at some stage, just so I've got something that's not on line based to flick through.

    Re. worms, what is the reason they are not so good to feed? Is it that they might tangle and cause impaction? (Just a guess)

    Also, vet checks - how often do people find their beardie might need a vet trip? Do they need to go in for worming etc

  7. Thanks guys. I've been having fun this evening doing searches on breeding insects.

    If anyone has any good books to recommend on bearded dragons that would be great - there is a lot of info to wade through on the net, cross referencing half of it is a nightmare, and a lot of the info is generally contradictory/incorrect...

    Happy Easter


  8. Hi everyone

    Complete newbie here - there are no fish, amphibians or reptiles at my place!

    I'm mega keen on getting a bearded dragon, sometime next year. I came across this forum during my beardie research, and finding it useful already (was thrilled to see there is a vet nearby in Paremata who is interested in reptiles) decided to join so I can keep an eye out for new posts that I may learn something from...

    All going well I should be popping up to ask some questions later on when I'm getting set up... In the meantime I'll have to make do admiring other members beardie pics!

    Cheers :)

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