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Posts posted by blackworm

  1. I'm yet to see a fish that will justify getting another tank. But with all the imports, maybe I will soon! I'd love to put one in my community but the last guy was too agro and anything that's not PK will likely get nipped :nilly:

    I don't suppose you could point me towards these imports? I'd love to have another crack at this with some decent fish.

  2. Normal bill is around $160-200 in the middle of winter. This month we hit $450 (despite colder months earlier). We have a wood fire for heating so the fish got blamed. Called the plumber around-turns out the HOUSE water heater was to blame, it has been overflowing. The fish still have the blame. :rotf:

  3. Used to see these every now and then in Aus. Absoloutely tiny and not much variation between individuals at all. Mostly imported stock. Tiny bodies (smaller even than the inbred thai guppies) and very strong colours (crosses tend to look washed out) are the real give aways.

    Can't say what the availability over here is.

  4. Since this fish is brackish I'm not sure here is the right place to put it but...

    Has anyone ever kept dragon/violet gobies? In this country?

    The girlfriend has been pestering me ever since she found out about them. :-?

    While I personally find them ugly as sin, she's the boss.

  5. Thanks Southern Man, I may just take you up on that.

    Got a couple tanks just yesterday that I'm currently water testing (they'd been sitting in a barn covered in bird poo for who knows how long).

    I'm actually more interested in Aphyosemion australe or clowns and to be honest that's on hold till I get a few more tanks anyway.

    Wow... what does it say about me that I'm not even comfortable with only three tanks in the house...

  6. Well, I guess I'm googling them. They look spot on as far as resemblance to cherries goes.

    EDIT: Well that was a calming and interesting read. At least they're detrivores (which was what the comment about resemblance was about) which means I may actually be able to keep them. I'm concerned about their upper temperature limit and the need for salt water for eggs to hatch. Any comments at all?

    Also thank you to both of you for getting back to me so quickly.

  7. So I've just discovered we don't have cherry shrimp here....

    That is going to be an adjustment I think (back in Aus they were an essential part of every one of my tanks).

    So do we have any shrimp and if so what are they like?

    Thanks in advance everyone!

  8. Thanks Zev, Sophia, Hovmoller and Caryl.

    @Caryl: I'm left without the option of insulating a room short-term. That's sad to hear about the Killies. I'll have to poke around a bit and see if I can breathe some life into them again.

    Lol, and they'd just started reimporting lost species (and some new ones) back into Aus too...

  9. :smln: Hello.

    So I'm a recent immigrant from the land of Oz. I've been keeping fish for 10/12 years or so...

    Ofcourse I had to leave all my fish behind on the way over &c:ry (divied up between friends and family members I know can actually take care of them).

    They were mostly south americans-angels, various tetras (keep in mind I'd been scaling back planning for the move for a while).

    So now I'm planning on starting over again. So what's the local industry like (especially around this area)? From the two places I've seen selling them, fish seem to be sold older over here. I plan on joining the Dunedin A&PS and maybe the Killie group since I wanna start keeping them.

    Any killie breeders around here (within an hour or twos' drive?).

    Final question is how many of you insulate your tanks? We had snow down to the sea here last year and I imagine it costs a fortune once you have a few tanks...

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