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    i do them once i can be bothered

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  1. Agreed. nice way to sum the post up Lucky most cop dont have there sirens on just the lights. But you do get that odd cop that really love his flashys and siren and love to have it going when there is really no need hahaha.
  2. You should see Prometheus. He love to explore. he loves to walk under your t shirt, then pop out the side and do it again. HE also likes to climb alot which i think is very funny. He loves to be as high as he can go. Yet i think he doesnt like it when i stop him going to high he looks to me of to say buzz killer. He doesnt like to hide though he would be in plain site if you say i want to be center of attention.
  3. Thank you. I started getting my cat use to him as soon as i brought him home because the cat was interested . And as my cat was trained at a young age when ever we tapped her on the nose it was a no to do that. all it took was 3 taps on the nose now she understands to really look at him or take notice. but now I can have her cuddling me while he is on me and the two seem to have there place on me. her on my lap and he has now learnt how to climb up my face an sit in my hair and he seem to enjoy that . I can play xbox with him on my chest and her by my side. But as you say i would never recomend this to someone people can use there brain to know how this could turn out.I have also learnt he is not scared of the cats i have a list of what he like and doesn like ill put it up some time. But he really hates cops scirens aye.he just cant stand them.
  4. Every thing is a risk.If i hadnt of risked the cat seeing him and feeling him i run the risk of the cat be more Curious therefore trying to get into the cage. Did it pay off? yes as now the cat is no longer waiting for him to move or come out i can now feel safe as there is not a cat to jump in as soon as i open the cage. But at the same time i ran the risk of him being attacked while he was on her but what was the bigger heath hazard him being attacked while we are away in his or while he was on her? Also i the pictures When i show the picture most people then go on to ask how the cat behaves and i have even have questions were there cat has found a skink and what should they do? and once i tell them the basic like dont let you cat destube and try to keep the cat away and the basic like that they say thanks a one person has say that she her cat are no longer interested after her cat sniffed one and she gave it a tap on the nose and now she has them running around the while the cat is asleep. Just like a friend of mine had a dad that was a nature person and one day he brought an eel,blue tongue and parriot to school and everyone had a pat of the blue tongue. How big of a risk was it for us to give it something? huge yet after that kids were calling him for injured skink they had found and he was able to nurse them back to heath was it a benfit to the bts ? No it was a huge heath risk yet that risk went on to save some skinks. And it makes people day to see some thing they have not seen in a life time. I Know the old people like it at my nana rest home. and the benfit to him can be that he gets a nice snail and egg mix at the end of the day and a warm box to sleep in. and i get nice photo to share with people
  5. In that case i expect you do not to go to the doctor for medication as alot of your drugs were tested on animals and also alot of your ops were tested on them and they did no good for the animal as it lost it life did it get some thing ut of it ? What other people do is there choice. and alot of the points you made to defend your photos can be found on google. Also dont argue because i dont like you? I havent meet you so i can not pass judgement on you. However i do think you have a case of the keyboard warrior.
  6. Creates interest in reptiles so it advances the hobby....makes people aware of the different morphs of bluey, makes them aware how cool shingle backs are....and yeah I was trying to get frill necks on the radar to find out if any of you have them. Got a head's up as a result of that thread of a different sub species of bluey down the line. Maybe should have put the dog in the shingleback enclosure though for the cutesy wootsy fuzzy fun tingly factor though....I'll let him know...could have been a real kodak moment :love: Again, you are missing the point.......sharing photos of reptiles is cool, doing something that is not good for the animal or promotes other people to do so is not. Don't argue because you don't like me..sorry but I don't care- just take a breath and have a think about what is wrong with doing what you did. Apologies if I offended you, but its been pretty entertaining and this forum can be pretty basic sometimes you have to admit.
  7. Then i would like to know how photos of your brother collection, "is advancing knowledge of the hobby, improving the care of reptiles and sharing opinions."
  8. “Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.” Theodor W. this quote shows what happen when we do not humaise thing we then automaticly think we when are better them. Because look at what man has done compared to aninmals. We humanise animals and they have a better standed of living. At their most harmonious, humans and pets resemble other forms of symbiosis in the natural world. James ­Serpell, a veterinary professor at the University of ­Pennsylvania, and the author of In the Company of Animals (an argument for pet-keeping published in the 1980s), told me that it reminds him of the relationship between tropical cleaner fish and the dangerous creatures they swim aboard. “We’re in the role of the larger predatory fish,” he said. “These are animals that we would other­wise eat, but we prefer the social support they give us, even it does require adaptation on both sides.” The rise of pet-keeping can be seen as an evolutionary process, by which dogs, birds and cats – and more recently rabbits, reptiles and fish – have accepted human names and limits on their freedom in return for a lifetime of warmth and food.
  9. here some youtube clips of a kitten and a blue tongue here is a clip were the cat gives up it food a kitten and a blue tongue ,part 1,2,3 a cat and blue tongue
  10. And if you want to have " power trip " :slfg: maybe you should do it on something like this
  11. In fact he was the one that walked on to her belly. Also my cat does not care about him. when something like that happens i a right there as you can see by the hand. When i had him out on the bed she jumps up sees him and jumps down.You guy seam to yell almost animal abuse.yet how is it stressed when he walks on of it own accord and the cat was in no harm as when he got off, she jumped down and then lick her self and walked off NOT RAN . And the lizard is always on a person. I take it my blue tongue wellfare as number 1 but You cant expect that they are never going to meet face to face wthout the cage as i have him out every day and she also what cuddles. And i have found it to be a good thing as the cat see him in he cage walking around they just take one took and walk away or go back to sleep same as when he is walking around anywere.But then i guess when kitten have been found sleeping with dogs and a dog feeding kitten Must make you guy faint :slfg: You should go on youtube there a blue tongue that even steals the cats food while the cat is trying to eat and the person just say the cat just waits till it has finished then carrys on eating I think like living art said stop conjecturing and maybe think this is a rare photo opportunity and nothing more .lets try my animal abuse theory These picture may be dirturbing to some viewer and make you faint. And this is what Varanophile and repto were like after viewing the pictures
  12. :thup: Hahaha thanks. it so cute just as cute as my other cat meows to him and while she is doing that they look at each other. However when he goes in for a kiss the cat does not like that and runs for the hills.
  13. Hahaha you would think so.However it was because she was going to sleep and everytime i moved she woke up very alert. like your profile pic
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