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Posts posted by Mollymate

  1. What do other breeders do with their runts. Have some here, have given them every chance just don't seem to want to grow. If anyone wants them for feeder fish free to take away.

  2. What is the best female to breed to Black Copper Hm male? I have two one has Red tail and fins the other is more silvery with a little red wash through fins. Suggestions please. If I used a non copper female would any fry be copper or is it that you breed siblings from that mating together and then you get it in the F1.

  3. My guy is not really blue more turquoise he has quite alot of the beigy/mustardy colour through his finnage and on head at top along the backbone. He was pretty torn up when I got him just starting to get his tail again. I really like the Dumbos not because they are popular but because they are different. Would really love to breed my Red Veiltail he is by far the nicest of my males but don't want to get stuck with lots of unwanted babies. I only have hm or plaket females big enough to breed at the mo. Oh well thats life.......

  4. They are Purple, but I believe purple is not a colour so they must be a dark blue. The same colour as my big boy but no lighter bits in the tail like him. My other boy is white with a pale blue tinge under certain lights.

  5. I must say that at the moment I really love the Crowntails and Dumbo Elephant ears. Recently got 2 CT females and 1 Male, but they are still quite small, so will have to wait abit. Am looking for some Dumbos.

  6. :bggrn: Thanks guys, worth thinking about. He is probably too old, that's the prob when you buy from the shops you have no idea of age or conditions they have come from.

    My girls who are supposed to be hm are abit doubtful as their tails have a little point in the middle t hey are not perfectly straight on the edge, so probably shouldn't use them, although bought them as being hm, should have done more homework, but hay thats how we learn, but don't want to breed if they are not up to scratch. For the work and stress involved rather do it as well as possible.

    It is great that you guys are so obliging with your experiences, it is great.

  7. :phb: OK so that rules out the veiltail...............The Super Delta could be useful with the HM girls, he is a Mustard Gas so what is the best colour to breed him to? This is all hypothetical at the mo but who knows if it ws worth doing I might do it, love the colour

  8. I have been trawling the net to try and get as much info on Bettas as I can, and it surprises me to find that Veiltails and Deltas seem not to be liked, why is that?

    The nicest Betta I have is a Red Veiltail, beautiful bodied and fins, blowing bubbles like you wouldn't believe, but hesitate to breed him because of the negative feedback........

    I also have a lovely turquoise Mustard Gas Super Delta, why are they nor liked anymore. I brought him because he ws abit beaten looking his tail was shredded, felt sorry for him, but he has turned into a really nice boy, tail is coming back and looking a million bucks.

    They are in my look at tank in the lounge but can't understand why they have lost popularity. :dunno:

  9. :fshi: Was wondering what or if anyone uses when receiving shipped fish to alleviate the stress and help them recover. Do you use Stress Cot or anything like that?? First time I have had fish shipped to me coming from CHCH..appreciate your ideas

  10. :hail: It is soooo good that you are willing to do that..............big help to us new ones, you can read every site you can find but nothing like someone who has been there done that.

    Still waiting for the ones from CHCH, they ar having a heat wave and don't want to send them until it breaks which is fair enough, but doesn't help when you can't wait to get started, was tempted to give him one of the girls but then I have to be careful about SPACE. Damn it, and when they do get here will have to give them time to acclimatise and get over the trip.

    I was looking at my babies from the HM X mating. Now that I can actually see them some of them have what looks like a white shield on the top of their heads. (Just a guess but is tht the dragon scales??) Just my luck they probably have some sort of disease. :yawnn:

  11. Thanks for that. I don't know if he is a King crown what would I look for. He certainly is much nicer than he was when I brought him has perked up heaps...seemed really depressed , felt sorry for him and brought him, softee eh. But really like him now. My worry is that I don't know if he is imported and have heard that some imports won't breed, guess I won't know until I try, so he is being feed well at the mo.

    I managed to get in touch with two guys from Chch. both had some girls so am looking forward to them arriving, fingers crossed.

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