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Everything posted by siftyzod
i use a breeding net with a mat of java moss and yer i got about 30 fry at the mo first spawn got nothing ... I am looking up other ways of doing it as i dont like the idea of a spawning mop made of wool as dyes etc could leak .. so just looking at options at the mo .. gives me a chance to get the fish fat anyway and if i cant figure something out community fish are cool to watch buzz around the tanks the cichlids tanks we have are pretty boring
Im going to look into a fake breeding grass or something later in the year as i cant really afford it at this point ... im not sure why everyone insists on tetras being hard to breed as i had never bred them before and i do nothing special and they just go for it as long as there was some live plant in the tank...
Hi thanks for the offer but my partner is refusing to let me put anymore near any tank.. she even went as far as to say today i put any more of that ugly brown stuff near any of her tanks she will sell everything ... i put a pair of tetras down last night and would normally of spawned by now and nothing so i wont be doing any more breeding of community fish i have a couple of batchs of tetra fry i will grow up and sell off the excess and keep a few .. i only really attempted breeding tetras in the last 5 weeks and found them extremely easy as well as danios but i had fun doing it again thanks for the offer
Hey and thanks but my partner told me today i either find a way to breed these without java moss or dont do anymore spawning as she is sick of this ugly dead looking mess in the tank all the time and i have to agree some brown looking ugly stuff sitting on the bottom of the tank its to nice .. i had some ordered off trademe that should be here tomorrow and im not even allowed that near the tank so i will be binning it when it arrives wasnt to much was like $15 for a wee bag of it .. so im gonna try spawn in a bare tank iwith a breeding net and if it doesnt work i wont be doing anymore breeding .. reading up today i found java moss is actually a cold water plant so guess that is the reason so tonight i have a pair down if they dont spawn will raise the fry i have now and that will be me done cheers anyway
i have tried spawing with fake stuff they will only get jiggy with live stuff... my pattern is i get one spawn per $10 of java moss.... so i either keep this stuff alive or im gonna stop breeding community egg layers .... its getting to costly with this java moss on top of everything else i mean tetra are easy to spawn... when the java moss is good when its dying or starting to they refuse to do anything ..
Hey there no other plants i use it for spawning tetras etc... this stuff is useless as when i need it it is dead .... i have never had any luck with java moss been trying to keep stuff alive for 3yrs and never had more than one spawning per $10 lot i get cause it dies to quick... it sits in a wee community tank and just dies ... i only use a little bit at a time but ppl wont just give u a wee ball of it u have to buy heaps ... $10 for a wee bag of this stuff is crazy price to pay...
Hi, I am gonna post this and most will think its a pretty dumb question ... but when u buy java moss is it suppose to die off in 2 weeks? i have been buying it every couple of weeks now .. its costing me about $20 every 2 weeks to keep this plant or what ever it is ... i had the lot i have now a week and its almost dead ... i use it to breed my tetras and everytime i go to use it i have to go and get another lot of it .. so is there a way to keep it alive or is this just what happens?
Hi there. I am after an overflow box to be build and wondered if anyone on here would have the skills to build one i have the design but not the skill to build it... I have a sheet of plastic here to build it i just need someone who can cut it up and either glue it all together or bend it into shape I am in christchurch so whoever can build this must be in christchurch as well... Please let me know by replying here if you can help me
are the eggs easy to see in the peat cause i wont know if they have bred if i cant see the eggs ?
How do you use peat in the water i have seen conflicting ways of using it... be interested to know how each person peats the water but i am going to try do a spawn in the regular water as stated above im just going to try and see what works as i would like to get even just 1 spawn soon
hi there thank you for the post..so the liquid in the microworms is fine to feed to fry?? also has this approach worked for you in breeding neons?? and also does the ph have to be anything other than normal... i have seen so much conflicting information that now i dont know what is right or wrong
still havent had success with breeding the neons has anyone from christchurch had a successful breed that would be willing to help me setup a tank..that way i can see it be done step by step
Thank you i am going to prepare a tank for 2 neons tomorrow and try again i am hoping i have some success soon with them but i refuse to give up i think its more so i can say i did it i will keep you posted how i go
update now have a tanks of fry electric yellows red jewels pink convicts and danios thanks for all the info
Hi there i am after some detailed information on breeding tetras i have heard many different ways to breed them i have heard u can use regular water and u need to use certain water conditions anyway for the last year i have been trying all types of different ways to breed them and have no luck not even close to a spawning yet i have researched the internet hard. if anyone here even from christchurch is willing to help me breed neons please let me know as i have fat girls ( i think they are girls) dying off in the tank as i was told they are most likely egg bound and its killing them off. I have tried all the ways i have read on the internet and tried doing different ways and have had no luck at all... ways i have tried is: Using blackwater additive peat water indian almond water plain water ph down in the water and not one of these has worked on any tetra but i can breed a pair of danios in 4hrs... any information right now would be really good as i really want to learn how to breed these and its not like i havent trialed anything before asking regards Glenn
yeah its not the tank i wanted to put them in but someone cracked the other tank im gettting my 3 foots fixed thats what i orriginally had them in on their own but still didnt breed then either
the person i brought them off said they had them at 27 degrees they are in a 60 litre tank atm the girl is bright red they have a hufe rock that they are burrowed under and have been making a pit she never comes out from under the rock
Just as a question just incase our ones are not a pair would putting all the jewels we have into one tank have any affect on the spawning as in a bad way ? or should i leave them as they are?? im really not sure what to do...i mean all our live bearers and convicts are breeding like rabbits but these 2 are playing hard to get cause next im going to focus on the frontosa and bumblebees as im working on 1 fish type at a time...so any help would be great
Hi there they said they did but im starting to think maybe not...what temp should the tank be at or are they not fussy is there a way to tell if they are getting ready to mate? im interested to know if i have a pair or not cause if not im going to throw all the red jewels in together. and if you move tanks with a supposed pair how long should they take to settle in and spawn?
Hi there just wondering if someone can help me out with the red jewels... i brought a supposed breeding pair off trademe and had them in a tank for a few months now and have not had any eggs from them as yet. just wondering how i can tell if they are a an actual breeding pair as i just went through the persons trademe and cant see that they have ever sold any fry. is there a way to tell if they are a pair ? any help would be great right now as i would like to get some red jewel fry.. the smaller one of the 2 keeps going bright red and then back to a pale colour.. im not exactly sure what to do as they were sold to me as a breeding pair or if there is something im not doing. any help please?
we have success they have bred and we have hundreds of eggs our male is fanning the eggs now
They are the only fish in the tank
Hey there just a couple of questions about breeding convicts 1. is there a desired temp to have the tank set to? 2. generally how long after they are in a tank should the start to spawn? cause i have had a pair i brought that have spawned before the girl is really orange and the male is chasing her they have moved all the stones on the bottom and the female for the last week has been going in the cave and flipping upside down. i do a 20l water change every 5 days and the tank is set to 26 degress at present..they seem to start to want to spawn and then dont seem to get there.. can anyone give some advice please be keen to get these to spawn Thanks
Hi there i just brought a breeding colony of emporer tetras and am wondering if anyone knows how often they can spawn?
we are in philliptown