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Everything posted by DebinChch

  1. Thank you both for your replies i tried leaving it in the sun ,its whitened slightly i have soaked it in bleack and it has whitened a bit more but no where near what it would have looked like originally i bought it 2mths ago and was told to leave it in sun for a while and itd whiten but didnt ,it was from a marine tank but had been in fresh water for several mths b4 i got it , its quite brown and grotty looking is there any thing else i can try or have i done my dough.
  2. also what are the redish bits on the coral and do they come away when its whitened.
  3. I have coral that looks like this brownish with redish marks on it ,how do i get it nice and white again any info would be huuuugely appreciated .
  4. hi i have bought some dead coral rock for my cichlid tank but its quite discoloured(brown) i have added a little bleach to a container and submerged but its not whitening ,any one know how i can get it nice a white again thanks in advance
  5. I have bought some large pieces of dead coral rick for my cichlid tank but its abit brownish looking ,it came from a marine tank but has been in fresh water for a month or more ,any ideas how to get this white again safely so i can put it in tank ,any idea advise greatly appreciated
  6. Hi all i have bought some dead coral rock for my cichlid tank ,it was originally from a marine tank but has been submerged in fresh water for a month of so ,it is quite discolourer -not green algae just a brownish look to it ,my question is ,how do i get it nice and white safely so i can put it in my cichlid tank ,any info gladly taken on board :thup:
  7. Thanks for the very warm welcome everyone :gigl:
  8. haha looks like im gunna fit in well here haha
  9. Thanks for the welcome , losses werent as bad as the could have been and for that im very thankfull ,i expect there are alot that were far worse off than me in the shakes. which by the way i have had enough of haha :nilly:
  10. My name is Deb at present im running 2 tanks a 4ft mixed cichlid tank and a 3ft tank with babies, and hopefully soon to have a 1.5ft for breeding pairs, Like alot from Chch i lost tanks ,equip and some of my fav fish ,im trying to restock at the mo ,am mainly after a red zebra female ,livingstonii female and a sunshine peacock female. Dont know what else to say just now ,ive been cruising around this sight for a while and am glad i finally joined ,kind regards Deb.
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