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    Auckland, NZ

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  1. jorjasmum

    TMP Sulfa

    Anyone know where to get it or it's NZ Trading name? Does it help with Swim Bladder?
  2. Does anyone know anything about TMP Sulfa? I have read a bit on the internet and it says to try that but can't find it here in NZ, any idea what it's NZ name might be or where to get it. It also said Sulfa Trimeth Antibiotics, but can't find that either?
  3. We separated him on Wed and tried the pea for 2 days Wed/Thurs) and having no obvious luck started the epsom salt baths on Friday, so he has had 2 a day - total of 6 so far...I just don't know how long we should wait before we should be seeing him get better or when to take the next step - whatever that may be? We were initially slow to start any treatment when the so called fish expert at Animates Henderson told us there was nothing we could do for him. I only hope we havn't left it too late?
  4. Hi, I am relatively new to fish, and have aquired 5 zebra fish from a school that no longer wants them.....I have had them for a few months now with no issues, but two weeks ago one of them got Sick (I think). He (just guessing) has dropped to the bottom of the tank and just goes round and round in circles. To be blunt he looks like it is having some sort of seizure, then lays still for a while and starts again, never getting more than a 1-2cm off the bottom and always on his left side. It looks like it has a bloated tummy, the fish shop said it sounded like Swim Bloat???? with no cure. I googled and did what they suggested - put him in a separate tank, I tried the Pea Trick with no success so moved onto Epsom Salt baths, he looks a little better but is still at the bottom of the tank.....any suggestions of what to do next? The others are all perfectly fine, as is the water quality and food. HELP ME PLEASE!
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