Hi All,
I am looking to put together a new tank (from scratch) and am looking for something low maintenance...weekly water changes and occasional trimming plants and fishing out a corpse now and then are about the limit...I'm looking for something you set up and then pretty much don't need to touch. Granted I probably won't get there, but that's not going to stop me trying. If you want to know what I have now you can see my little intro blurb thing here - http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=52596.
Now for scope (stuff we know):
1. The new tank will be around 400L (to be built), providing a block of water measuring roughly 1.4m long, 0.5m wide and 0.6m deep.
2. The new tank will have a Fluval FX-5 filter (already have a brand new one on the way)
3. It will be freshwater...as far as I can tell while utterly awesome to look at salt water doesn't have any potential to be "low maintenance"
4. Pretty much everything else is up for discussion!
The first question then is - What kind of fish? Should I create another community tank, or should I create a Cichlid tank? If I do community then it is pretty straightforward, if I do Cichlids then how much do I need to worry about hardness, pH, and midnight massacres? Certainly Cichlids are interesting fish, particularly if they breed, and their colours can be amazing...though I've already noticed that only the dominant fish *really* shine....the rest just tend to be a bit more dull coloured...
Once we've sorted the kind of critters we think would be best we can talk about the fish themselves (which flavours are yummy), stocking rates, planted vs non-planted, tips on filter configuration, pros and cons of CO2 injection (if applicable - not much point for plastic plants), the best way to architect the tank to hide all the pipes and tubes, and no doubt various hare-brained schemes for keeping the effort factor low...it could well become an interesting thread!
So lets start there - Will it be a) Community, b) Cichlid, or c)Something else?
Which option provides the best outright "minimum maintenance solution" and is there any option which is a little more work but that would result in a better overall outcome?
Looking forward to the responses!
The Lazy Loach.