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About soysauce

  • Birthday 07/18/1987

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    Auckland N Shore

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  1. if it is a worm then the fungil is a secondary infection maybe due to the worm bracking the skin of the fish so then the pop eye might have been the worm comin out scew hitting the eye instead of behind the eye , so is this (wom) maybe brought out when the fish is under stress :nilly: kinda like lymph( fish warts ) what you think guys/ girls
  2. they recon its a worm like lil thingie so how about using prazzi on it
  3. yes not the pop eye one tho, but yes was kinda like a pimpel ,
  4. i do water changes once a week 30% i have 4 gold rams , 7 discus , one royal pleco,one king tiger, an 21 neons i have a rio 240 an a aqua one 510 the fact that only my rams got sick an the fact that it happened in def tanks an that it only happened durring a move i think maybe maybe its due to the PH change from the move but got dif things is strange dunno i heard of others that have gold rams witht the same problem my electric blues an my veit tail blues havent got it !!!!!!!
  5. behind the eye it is getting better now , if u look there s a red mark it comes out starts out almost like a fungil infection but one thats brought on by stress , the pop eye on my one ram as well as the fungil by the other ones eye all started after a move , they ve been in dif tanks so dont think its the water , tested the water and the P.H was 7.2 now at 6.4 AMM 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 and feeding on Thera A and added garlic guard so cant understand it
  6. ya this one has now got pop eye , treating with melefix an got methelene blue directly on the eye , an other idea s , then there s the one that i act wanted you to look at the one that the headline was made for http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd507/stuwies4fnzas/DSC_0230.jpg
  7. sorry sounds stupid but how do i put pics on got some nice ones ?
  8. it seems my ram keeps gettin a cotton type almost fungus looking form on the right side of its head i try treating with melefix and and it takes ages i also put in tonic just incase :smln: it seems that my other one has also now got pop eye :an!gry this is not the first time the one had a worm/fungul problem and i have met other s that have had the same problem except theirs ended in death, out of all the rams it seems like the gold s may be prone to getting it or jus have week immune systems or some thing if any one has any advicde please :thup:
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