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  1. hello, please can someone tell us what might be wrong with our clown loach. it's come to the front of the tank where we can see her which is odd in itself then she just sort of sits on the gravel looking like she has the hiccups. every now and then her eye barbs pop out. she hasn't lost any colour yet, still looking ok apart from unusual behaviour. in the same tank as her we have 5 other clowns who are all seeming fine but we lost a zebra danio yesterday and another today who were in the same tank too. any ideas would be appreciated. thanks. and just as an added thing, we've just noticed one of our black widow tetras pectoral fins is like a blackened stump and one of our cardinal tetras eyes looks like it's got pop eye. we did a water change today, as per normal. we've dosed the tank with melafix. we're wondering if we should put some 'wunder tonic' (methylene blue) in as well or is this a dumb idea? thanks in regards to the clown loach we have just put her out of whatever misery she was suffering.
  2. thanks for all your replies to my original question. we tried aphids and the danios loved them. they were all over the heart of some bok choy we had in the garden so we just put the leaves, aphids and all into the tank. they picked them off and some of the fish ate some of the leaves too, i think. also tried green looper caterpillars of varying sizes that were on our tomatoes. no problems there either, all the little fish had a go at them. i also have a bucket outside with mozzie wrigglers, which i catch and feed to the fish, and there are bloodworms growing in there too. does anyone have any idea how long i need to purge those for before feeding to the fish?
  3. i was wondering if i can feed my tetras and danios aphids from my spray-free organic garden? if so, can i feed them when they are the little grey bug things or do i have to wait until they go green and get their wings?
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