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Posts posted by Trilobite

  1. My tank water is ph= 8.4  gh=7  kh=5

    Out of the tap the water is 7-7,2. How do I stop the pH swings? would adding coral help or would that just further bump up the pH?

    The tank is also planted, would that have something to do with it too?




  2. Tips for breeding them?

    Most important step is to make sure you have a breed worthy pair, otherwise you'll have a hard time getting rid of 200 multicoloured vt. And also ensure you have enough space to jar potentially 200 males. But once youve got those two things sorted then just follow this guys advice

  3. Copper is steel blue with 2 metallic alleles. So you would need a copper, metallic steel or metallic royal blue to get copper in the next generation. F1 will give all heterozygous metallic offspring, so choose 2 steel or royal blue babies and you should get some copper back. Easiest way to get copper back would be if you bred a steel daughter back to father you would should get copper back (50% copper, 50% met steel)

    Hope that made sense lol

    Is the "silvery" girl copper as well? Any pics of her? If she is copper I would use her, then youll get 100% copper

  4. Black orchid/black lace are pretty easy to breed for even if you've crossed one to a non black fish. The dark body is dominant, irids are difficult to get rid of so they will almost always be present (and technically a fault for black bettas, but it gives them that nice black orchid look).

    The main difficulties you'll get from crossing a black lace to non black lace will be the amount of spread iridescence ( spread irids will fully cover the black layer with irids, making a blue or copper coloured fish) and also red wash will be present among the fins instead of black. Many red loss fish can gain red back when they become older which really sucks.... Also a lot of black lace carry marble which can quickly turn a promising black fish into an ugly cello.

    A lot of my f1 from black lace x non black gave a few blacks in the mix, f2 would def yield higher amounts of black orchid. If you can only find one black fish I recommend using a dark bodied blue red loss fish to pair it up with and hope for he best.

    Also there have been a few black orchid ct popping back up again in petstores so it may look like they're making a comeback :thup: They'll probably have the unnecessarily high price tags attached to them though

  5. Yeah its always a gamble, could go both ways. How feasible do you reckon it would be to get a bunch of interested people willing to pay an importer to get some. I know its against forum rules to organize it on here but just wondering the feasibility of it all. How much is the average cost to import? Eg how much in general do the inspections/quarantine/etc cost

    Is it cheaper/easier quarantine-wise if they come from Australia compared to Thailand?

  6. Yeah unfortunately thats very true. But the recent Redwoods import where they asked us which fighter colours/types we wanted in the next shipment all got snapped up within a week or so and they were priced around the normal 50-65 range youd see for the nicer types.

    I think theres definitely a market for them, even if not imported often, just enough to get some good blood and start up some quality lines. Then every now and again a fresh import of some more quality stock so our lines dont get too inbred.

    I saw some amazing guppies yesterday in Australia and I usually hate guppies but honestly, these guppies were stunning!! completely made me change my views on them. Theres so much more out there than just vt and orange guppies...its a shame nz has to miss out on them

  7. Im curious too, are there any importers who get specifically high quality stock, instead of the mass produced stuff? Like quality fighters/guppies/whatevers from a top Thai breeder as opposed to the culls we get. It seems like most importers get their fish from wholesalers who just focus on making as many fish as poss

  8. Killer looks like a pretty tough guy. But yeah as Sam said it looks like hes damaged his rays

    The lighting is pretty bright on the new one so we cant see much of his colour but looking at his face it appears that he has some dragon in him

    Are his fins orange or yellow?

    Tail wise he looks vt or delta (cant really see the tail rays in this photo) both tail types are common though.

    But if you can get a side on flaring picture we will know for sure what he is :D

  9. Schist is fine, the glossy look is just the shiny mica minerals lined up (since schist is formed in high pressures, the minerals line up and form "layers" in the rock)

    Pretty much anything that has no calcite in it is safe. I'd do the vinegar test on sandstones because a lot of sand and mudstones can contain calcite depending on where you get them (even if they look dark). You dont need to do the vinegar test on igneous rocks though

  10. Theres a lot of dragons around at the moment, Donm on trademe usually breeds long finned ones, Ive got some short finned ones, pet stores often bring them in as well. Just a matter being in the right place at the right time

  11. How hard is it to get new species on the allowed list? We only seem to be allowed a couple of the wild bettas, would be amazing if we could get the entire splendens complex as well as other betta complexes

  12. Yeah a lot of that spawn had split ventrals, hopefully a dragon female with normal ventrals can compensate, Im nervous though because a few of my males had split ventrals as well so split vents runs through both lines

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