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  1. Animates beardies ar $299. Quite reasonable really compared to trademe prices on some
  2. the metro, how would you go about getting it? is it an antibiotic?
  3. Aged water - we have a few tanks so we use a large plastic container, put stress coat in and leave to sit while gravel siphoning etc. Then we have a pump rigged up to a hose that we put in the container, and the hose into the tank to transfer the water back in nice and slow to not stress the fish. Discus: tank set up 18 months. Cycled for 2 months with kribs and plecs. 4 small discus (same batch) added at that time. Henry the snakeskin, the ghosty and leopard and other discus added about a a year ago. No fish added since then Pooing - fish are pooing. Reddish poos. a few months ago saw one had long stringy white poo so thats when the adtape was used. Eating - hell yes smart little buggers recognize you every time you go to the tank haha. Even the one that died that was black as anyting and skinny and lying on his side would dart up for food. Lying on sides - Only one lies on his side now as other passed away. But they tend to do it all the time unless you go to the tank and they think you're going to feed them. Henry who has gotten skinny and has his heckel bars all dark has not started doing it yet. We have seperated the very dark one that was lying on his side into a smaller 40 l quarantine tank and treated him with adtape by himself but doesnt seem to have changed anything. Prazi/adtape - dosed at 20ml per litre as instructed by vet.
  4. since posting upped water changes to weekly 20-30%. Doesn't seem to have improved. When we were doing every 2-3 weeks we were gravel siphoning every time. We have a bubble wall, and a large stone in a corner. spray bar is under the water but pointing up. The ghosty seems fine. Very active and hasnt shown any signs of sickness at all. Same for the b/nose. Filter we change the wool every 8 weeks. Havent touched the noodles since starting up the tank. Carbon we've removed due to on/off again treating with meds.
  5. Hey guys We have a 500litre tank, been set up over 18 months with no issues. Currently stocking - 5 discus (Were 6...) - 1 leopard ctenapoma - 1 ghost knife - 1 kribensis (were 5 but the other 4 paired off so are now in seperate tanks) - 4 large bristlenose Tank is planted, run off a sunsun external filter with uv purifier. Fed on a mix of discus bits, frozen bloodworms, tropical granules, pleco logs and cichlid sticks sometimes. 20% water change done every two - three weeks. Tank stats: PH - 6.8-7. pretty stable, have never tried to adjust it down Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 About 5 months ago, two of the discus (the middle sized not the smallest) went quite dark. The started breathing rapidly and were almost jerky in their movements. On advice from hollywood fish farm and the fisho dude at animates who had always been helpful to us, we got Adtape from the vets and dosed the whole tank. Had no signs of worms at all. Dosed again 3 weeks later as fish still weren't right. nThey were both eating still and very active at feeding times. Fish continued to get darker, and started to look skinny. Then started lying on their side in the corner of the tank! We thought it was the end, took a water sample down to the fish store to make sure everything was ok in case our kit was false reading. all stats good. did a 40% water change. fish didn't die but it's been about 3 months of them lying on their side, sometimes they even lie on top of one another. lost all colour and are black. The leopard ctenapoma has also started being jerky and not breathing well. spend a lot of time hiding in corner of tank Went back to hollywood and to animates, couldn't get any more info out of either. did a 2 week course of Furan-2 on their advice. no improvement. They have now recommended Trisul but the vet won't sell to us. ANd finally, my pride and joy Henry, a gorgeus large snakeskin has just started showing his heckle bars and clamping his top fin and doing rapid jerky movments I don't know what else to do, it;s obviously contagious and that's why we didn't split them up into quarantine tanks on the advice of the experts. Any help guys would be awesome. It's been five months. We lost one of the discus (who first showed it) yesterday
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