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Everything posted by Jinxy

  1. Whoah, i took your guys advice and bought some silicon sand. So far i have found 19 stones that were not in the tank after i changed the sand (ie he pooped out 19 stones) by the past few weeks, i was pretty shocked as he is only a 10 cm long juvinile! thanks for ur help everyone, he has stopped floating and is looking much better
  2. no i lowered the water enough for the axolotl to 'swim' on top and not float
  3. i saw him floating so i lowerd the water my tank to platform, has a turtle platform but not a ramp, have not seen him floating much but has been on the platform more than usual. i feed him 5 mins ago and he pretty much attacked the tweesers trying to get the food-good sign thanks so much for advice I might get some sand for tank and get rid of pebbles
  4. i've tried to add pics but it always says there too big even if i make them tiny I havent done a water change but removed a bit of water today as said above i might have to get rid of pebbles but don't really want to becuse i've got a nice rock setup inside. :bounce: the thing is hes been 'fat' for ages and isn't really getting skinny (photos taken today, he hasn't been feed for about 5 days, ill feed him a little tonight though)
  5. not a blood leak, he's been see-through since i first got him
  6. here are some recent pictures of Quaver http://i767.photobucket.com/albums/xx31 ... uaver2.jpg http://i767.photobucket.com/albums/xx31 ... uaver3.jpg http://i767.photobucket.com/albums/xx31 ... Quaver.jpg compared to his tankmate Sparky http://i767.photobucket.com/albums/xx31 ... parky3.jpg sorry i couldn't put pictures up, had so much trouble
  7. one of my axolotls (12 cm juvinile) always looks fat. I used to feed him/her 1 small defrosted block of brine shrimp twice every 5 days and occassionally a bit of salmon. for the last few weeks he gained a lot of weight and stopped growing as fast so I stopped feeding him for a few days for him to slim down, about 4 days later i got a little improvement and i diddn't want him to starve (somehow) so i gave him (and my new axolotl) a block of brine shrimp and he was fat again the next day. he's still got a good appitite and I've hardly been feeding him (about half as much as my more developed goldie of the same size) but he's not getting skinnier. today i saw him floating so I lowered the water level to the turtle ramp thing so he wouldn't stress. the pebbles are about 0.5 cm long at the smallest but when bitten always seems to be spit out. any suggestions of whats wrong with him and what i should do? :-? ill post a picture soon as i can
  8. what do u think i should name the gold one, i'm thinking Sparky :bounce:
  9. Its more I'm worried about Quaver standing vertically cant load pic sorry :I
  10. after introducing my new gold to my timid white Quaver yesterday, Quavers been hidding in a corner between a fake plant and the glass standing up on his hind legs vericle, leaning on the glass, is this normal/whats wrong with him???
  11. yeah my white one came from a tank of 20 but hes/shes been in my tank alone for about a month the other has come straight from a tank of 2 I introduced the gold one and it walked over to the white and touched it on the side of the tail and the white one dashed of like a bullet. my gold one doesnt mind being touched with the giant tweesers but the white one always freaks out
  12. awww that is so cute, before I got the axys mum asked me if I wanted beardys instead, having second thoughts now...
  13. i have an 11cm axolotl and am getting another one tomorrow, i would like to get the same gender for obvious reasons. I know people say you can't tell until they are at least a year but does anyone know some way (even if its not very accurate) to tell???? :roll: :roll: :roll: ...oh..and will it be ok to have two (one 10 cm and one 11cm) axolotls together I heard they re real bad cannibals and can eat each others limbs and whole or should I get a tank separator until they are a year old? :bounce:
  14. i know mines quite small but how do you train to do that, mine wont let me touch him(/her)?
  15. hi im real new to owning fish and i just got a baby white axolotl about 10 cm long called Quaver :bounce: im real excited with my new pet but am looking out for a gold one about the same size for a friend. :lol: because im new i would like a few tips on raising axolotls and want to know how to train them to be hand fed. :-? i am also concedering geting a snail :roll:
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