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Love Animals

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Posts posted by Love Animals

  1. yeah lost my AR620 90L tank, we were very close to the epicentre about 7km away and my tank didn't have a show. It was on the aqua one stand that you get with these tanks and it was positioned between the couch and a wall. It landed on the couch but the bottom is smashed for some reason and there is water all through the couch and most of the lounge floor. Its still damp today (4 days later) and has a delicious wet, algae, swamp-type smell. We are on wooden piles so the house really wobbled about, really don't think anything would've saved it.


  2. Lost my tank and fish in the ChCh earthquake on Saturday, we were close to the epicentre and the tank and fish didn't stand a chance. Double-sided tape between the tank and cabinet does not cut it with a big jolt like that. Friends had a 400L tank in town further and it stayed upright, really depended on which way they were facing as the jolt went east/west direction (as well as every where else!) so it was just luck that some tanks were saved. We are now dealing with no fish and a very wet floor, RIP my little fishes.

  3. Ok I have now done a 60% water change, given the non-sickies some garlic soaked pea, and my sick one I have given it a bath in some epsom salts. I have some pimafix from the shop, the lady at shop who told me not to quarantine cause the whole tank needs treating as she thought it was a bacterial infection. Whats the thoughts? It not going to hurt if I dose the tank is it, better to be safe than sorry?

  4. Hi all, I have a dwarf gourami which has stopped eating for two days. There is a slight bulge to its stomach and has white stringy poo, so I'm thinking either constipation or internal parasites? It has lost colour as well but still swimming fine. Maybe some pineconing but not sure about that hoping it not dropsy which I been reading about. What is my best course of action? What do I try first, do I quarantine it? I have in the tank neons, danios and another dwarf gourami, they are all fine. I clean the tank weekly with about a 40% water change and gravel clean once a fortnight, none of my water parameters have changed. I live a long way from town so any home remedies would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  5. As a beginner fishkeeper with a AR620 tank I would definitely get noodles. As said on here you could do without them but the larger the surface area for your good bacteria the better, don't think you can ever have too many good bacteria. I had old mixed with new noodles and it took (with 5 zebra danios as my cycling fish) a good 2 weeks for the tank to come right. I put a layer of noodles in both the left and right compartments in the top of tank. On the left (where the rod is that pushes the water into the top area) I had noodles then a layer of white filter sponge than layer of black filter sponge. I only used the black sponge because we have bore water and our water is a little hard. On the right side I had noodles and two layers of white filter sponge. Hope that helps.

  6. Hi, I'd also be interested to hear what everybody else thinks, as I have recently got 2 dwarf gouramis and a similar thing is happening. One has centre stage and if the other one comes out of its sheltered spot it gets chased. I got dwarf gouramis because all the research I read said they were peaceful community fish and I don't particularly want to get rid of one. I hope someone on here can give us an insight, sorry I can't help.

  7. Hi all

    Such a nasty day outside thought I'd do some research on what fish I'm going to put into my tank. I have a Ar 620 (90L) tank, and am cycling it with 5 danios at the moment. Next month I would like to put in 6xneon tetras and 1xbristlenose plec. Once they're settled I want one or two fish that would be larger fish, not that busy, but happy with my little fellas, any suggestions? I was going for a couple of Dwarf gourami's?

  8. Hi,

    I am cycling a 90L AR620 tank at the moment with 5 zebra danios, they've been in there for 4 days now. The tank also has 3 aquatic plants that were in for about a week before the fish were put in. I have made the cardinal beginners mistake of overfeeding my little dudes (was a bit heavyhanded with the food) and my tank is now slightly cloudy/green. I've done my first 10% water change using a gravel cleaner to get out some impurities. How often can I do a water change so that I can keep clearing the water but without taking all my growing good bacteria with it? Thanks heaps in advance

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