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Posts posted by kkfish

  1. I feed him with meal woarms & Hikari pellets, every 4 hours, one meal worm, then 4 hours later, one hiraki pellet.

    He is happy to take both. The colour turns lighter than before, but very healthy.

    I found black Aro has more flashing fish scale than silver one, realy cool colour!

  2. Very nice one! I love Leopard, tiger,& Arowana because they are beauty of nature.They are impossibly breeding in tank,almost getting from wild. GE free ,haha!

    Here's a pic of my old one, was about 12cm when I sold it IIRC. I think Snookie ended up with it?

    http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k186/ ... nopoma.jpg

    (can't actually post the pic because of the ridiculous image size restriction thing, so you'll have to click the link)

  3. I just bought leopard Ctenopoma from AM botaney . The size is about 6 CM. Any one has adult one ?

    Maximum Size is around 15cm ,Usually smaller in the aquarium. Any Pic can show ?

    I have a tiger in tank too. the leopard moving faster than tiger I think and has bigger mouth.

    How do I post the pic at topic ?


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