To be honest I don’t really want to add it up.
I started with a cheap first reef in mind and ended up getting carried away all my equipment could handle a 400-500ltr system so I ended up future proofing
Below is a very rough idea of what I have spent over the past 10 months I do not need any more equipment unless they are luxuries such as dosing pumps etc
For example here is a list what I spent just to get started with fish only
Tank and half the stand 2nd hand ($200ish check post 1 for what it did look like, this came with return pump and heater also)
Sump modifications $90
Coral Rock (dead) $210 for 25kg sack
Coral sand $30 10kg bag (and that was cheap)
20ltr Bucket of salt $190 (I now collect my water from the beach much cheaper for me)
RODI water $6 per 20ltr
Skimmer $250
Refractometer $70
Basic API test kit set (ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ph) $75
API kH test kit $15 ish
Total $1305 ish
and what I have spent since
Maxspect 110w G2 LEDs $710
Phosban phosphate reactor $100
18w UV unit $175
Hanna phosphate tester $90
Additives $ couldn’t really put a price on it
Live stock (fish and inverts) $1000+
Corals $400 ish
And I have missed the likes of weekly maintenance etc
Total $2475 ish