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Posts posted by dyinggoldfish

  1. 2 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons of yeast and warm water in a 3L bottle; filled a couple of centimetres over where the bottle starts going conical.

    I did 2 cups of sugar and 1 tsp of yeast.... might put another teaspoon in there

  2. So I went and got some more yeast and tried it again. Nothing so far. I read on other peoples that they got something within half an hour.

    I even checked to make sure my check valve was in the right way. Its gone that cloudy colour so it appears to be reacting - but no CO2 yet

    Any Ideas?

  3. That's great that you are getting the CO2 up and going. :) I notice two small issues that can cause big problems so it might pay to remedy the situation if you can:

    1. The tubing is extending too far down into the bottle. If the liquid begins to froth, it can get sucked into the tubing. This can be easily fixed by cutting the tubing so that it is just protruding from the underside of the cap.

    2. Having the yeast bottle above the tank means that gravity could more easily draw the yeast into the tubing if it gets too frothy. It is safer to have the bottle below the water level.

    Yeah I cut the tube so its only about 3cm in the bottle now.

    So far this hasn't worked. - BUT I haven't been put off. I am thinking that my yeast might be bad.... it has been sitting in the pantry for about a year :P

    I will try to put it bellow the tank (which will be good cause then my lorikeet wont keep trying to knock it off - he likes sitting up there).

  4. 1. what is your photo period

    2. what fertilisers do you use

    3. what is your water change regime

    4. what sort of plants do you have

    5. what sort of fish do you have

    1. My tank is the AR620T, so the lighting is attached in a hood. Not standard long singular bulbs ( so I cant change to marine lights or T3's or whatever). They are standard fish lights. The lights run for 8-10 hours a day. Its also in the lounge but the blinds are closed next to it to prevent direct sunlight.

    2. I don't use any fertilisers. I used Flourish for a while but my carbon in my filter zapped it all out. So I took out the carbon and now there is just PhosZorb, foam and ceramic noodles in the filter. In my cupboard I have AquaPlus and Cycle, B-Clear, P-Clear, White-Spot Cure(not that I have ever had white spot, but it was just incase). And Furan.

    3. My tank is 130L. I do a 25% water change every 2 to 3 weeks. And give the glass/ornaments a good scrubbing. Then if I have time I let them dry to kill the algae completely (depending on how bad it is). Then rinse them before putting them back in. My tank has been pretty good. The algae doesnt bloom in the water. Just attaches itself to ornaments. And I only feed my bottom feeders twice a week to encourage them to eat the algae.

    4. I orginally started with Tiger Lotus, Cabomba, and a mixture of swords. Then added a couple of grasses (which died), and have one flax-like grass still surviving (just). I don't know what it is. Looks kind of like a japanese rush but not the right colour for a japanese rush. I also have java fern

    All my plants have been munch up and killed by my fish - even though I feed them spirulina and now all my plants look like twiggy-broken-leaf-horrible things. (So I put an advert to buy plants on trade and exchange forum). So I got that funny grass-japanese thing. And Java fern. Thats pretty much what has survived.....

    5. Its a community tank:


    black neon tetra (5)

    neon tetra (4)

    albino prescillia tetra.(2)

    Tiger Barb (3)

    Rosy Barb (1)

    Bottom Feeder Fish:

    Albino Cory (1)

    Goldspot Pleco (1)

    Black Line Flying Foxes (3)

    Straita Loachs (3) - However I just cleaned my tank and can't find them anywhere :-?

    Other Fish:

    Kissing Gourami (2)

    Like I mentioned before. I am trying to get more plants to fill it up with as its looking pretty scraggy at the moment.

  5. My tank is beginning to get really hard to clean again. I use phos zorb to keep the algae down, however I haven't recharged my phoszorb since I put it in months and months ago. Does anyone know how to recharge the phoszorb. I know its with salt. But how much to what mills?

    Also think I am out of tonic salt... any other type of salt work?

  6. Yeah, after a few escapes of a suicidal red-tail-shark out of the tiniest gap in my old tank, I have always vowed to have a hooded tanklid rather than just plain glass as he managed to get out of this.

    Animals are really funny when it comes to fish, my cat used to just watch them all day (but he IS far to stupid - he went to catch a bird and ran head first into the tree trunk). My dog pines and whinges at the tank as she wants to play with them (she might be senile)....

    and my parrot runs back and forward infront of the tank saying his own name, bobbing his head and trying to get them to pay him attention. Then when the gouramis come to investigate he proceeds to hiss at them....


  7. Hey

    has anyone seen black line flying fox breeding/ or know what their eggs look like cause i have been watching a very rotund "female" for about 20 minutes. Its rubbing its anal fins against objects in the tank. but so far nothing. first the ceramic tubes, then the java fern, then rocks, then ceramic ornaments.

    cant tell if shes really about to lay or if shes just constipated :bounce: she wriggles her butt for a while before rubbing her anal fins. Although the other flying foxes are not even paying her attention....


  8. I would be cautious about buying an adult pair, jullies are known for packing spats between pairs when you move them obviously there are ways to do it but at first I would add them to a tank with other robust cichlids so they have some fish to pick on together rather than turning on each other.

    I dont really have a cichlid tank to put them in. Transcriptus are "peaceful" versions of cichlids, and can go with pretty much anything. Which is why i am putting them in my community tank. I haven't heard of them going all domestically violent on each other??? but if thats true I might have to ask the woman I am getting them off how she coped as they have been moved 3 times previously.

  9. What size is the tank you have now.

    What is substrate- julies prefer sand as sifting it is part of their natural feeding process.

    You mention plants for hiding- what about rockwork?

    Julies need plenty of rockwork. Terracotta pots are a favourite for breeders.

    Make a little pile in the back or corner of tank.

    I am not really interested in breeding them yet. Just keeping them alive. The tank is 120L although i will be upgrading when i have saved enough. There is plenty of rocks in my tank and plants. The substrate is larger bits of gravel. (new tank i am hoping to do some form of sand).

    The ones i have previously tried to raise I got sets of 2, then sets of 4 (gone through about 8 in total). I tried to get them to pair up... The ones i am looking at now are a adult breeding pair.

  10. Hey

    There is one fish I can never seem to keep alive for more than a fortnight. It is the Juliochromis transcriptus also known as the masked Julie cichlid.

    My problem before i think was my pH was too high, although i never tested it. But I assume it was this because I just had the basics in my tank.... and my partner didnt like the idea of real plants therefore the natural softner of water and pH was never added. Since then my tank has been spruced up (while he was on holiday so he didnt get a say). And I have a mixture of swords and other plants in my tank. Although my barbs thinks its fun to kill my cabomba and tiger lotus whenever i plant it.

    Seeing my Black Neon tetras are starting to breed, I would say I finally got the pH to about 7.5 (once again i havent tested this yet). As well as enough plants to hide in. Although more would be nice?

    Now i really want to try and give these guys another go. And i have created lots of hiding holes and plants, and i have researched that they like about 8.5pH.... but i dont want to kill my other fish in the process.

    ps: partner has grudgingly agreed for me to get a 600-800L tank but i have to save for that... but oooo will that be cool! then i am turning the other into a marine.

  11. I work at a pet store. We have an age restriction of 16 for all animals! And we have the right to refuse a sale to anyone who we see as unfit.

    We also have contracts that we get people to sign to ensure they know how to look after their pet, so it's not a rash decision and they need the owner of the properties permisson, have to be a New Zealand resident etc.

    These rules are to protect the animals.... i am for these age restrictions

  12. See!

    Now I can tell you to go to Animates Kaiwharawhara because they recently had a tank filled with all kinds of gouramis including kissing at about 7cm from memory. :lol:

    er yeah i am there every weekend.... I know that place quite well... but the fish aren't nearly as big as that.... not the ones ive seen. They are all skinny... mine might be closer to ten cm now (just tried to measure him ... he moved behind the plants)

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