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  1. lol sorry i got confused we have electric yellows aswell sorry :oops:
  2. i'm almost curtain that its electric yellow and some people have said that they can convert to yellows when they get really stresed, but its no a very nice looking yellow and his somach is still arched i will still try and get a pic.
  3. not really sure but it may be electric blue or cobaltblue and there about 2 inch.
  4. hi guys two of our blue african cichlids are going a sort of yellow colour, its stomach has arched a bit and its sitting on the bottom of the tank alot. we put some salts in and changed water, i cant get a pic because the cam isnt working. the other yellow and red cichlids are fine as well as the baby blues dont know what to do. thanks
  5. the orange has gone so i think it wasn't to important and it looks like hes got a bit of fin rot and is getting better :bounce: thanks for all your help
  6. thanks it doesnt look like blood streaks it sort of looks like an orange sort of elge. i would get a photo but he is still well enough to swim to the other end of the tank when i have the cam :-?
  7. please help one of my convicts has been sitting at the bottom of the tank for hours and keeps falling to its side and the tips of its fins are going orange sort of colour and the other fish are picking on it. i think it might be a sort of alge on its fins so i changed 30% of the water and i dont know what else to do. please help!!!
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