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Posts posted by DennisP

  1. I know theyre around.

    A few (1-3) years ago they were brought in again from what I understand.

    I think the owners of L046s are relatively quiet about it due to the value and demand of the fish.

    I could be completely wrong though. I'm sure someone else will fill you in.

  2. A lot of fish won't start harassing others/show their true behavior until they're are a bit older.

    Just because you have had it in a community until now, and so has someone else DOES NOT mean that it will stay that way.

    Good examples are the Chinese algae eater and Black Ghost Knife.

    Being your age, I know you'll ignore all this advice, but I suggest you at least read up extensively about dwarf puffers and then make your own decision.


    "Best kept alone or with smaller fast tank mates."

    "Otos are OK, slow moving fish will be nipped."

    "Not recommended for a community."

  3. They're an option, but I find they're still a bit... Standard.

    I know cost effective doesn't really go hand in hand with something a bit more uncommon, but still...

    I'm not prepared to spend $15 per schooling fish and get something like threadfin rainbows, but the basics are just too basic for me.

  4. I'm in the process of setting up a 300l pearl gourami / south eat Asian biotope.

    I'm after some interesting dither fish.

    My requirements are:

    Colour - I want something nice and colourful

    Interesting - I want something more interesting than say Harlequin rasbora

    Gourami friendly

    Cost effective

    I'd love a giant school of mosquito rasbora but they wouldn't survive.

  5. I'll throw in my 2 cents as well.

    I've had mine for a few months now. Works great.

    As mentioned, it is very slim. The unit itself feels well made which is always nice.

    As for the remote, it does feel a little plasticy, but hey, it works.

    It has (I think 8) preset colour variations. Each are based off white, so they're just different whites depending on how you like it and what you want to highlight.

    It also has 4 custom buttons, which you have to figure out how to use, because its not immediately obvious, but its not complicated at all. These are great for setting up night colours so you can watch your plecos, or knifefish (or what ever else nocturnal you have) come out and play.

    Something worth mentioning is that its great for a bedroom tank. You can lay in bed and watch your fish without having to get up to turn off the light.

    I find the strength of light a little low. Then again I am using the 36-48" model. It will hopefully keep some plants alive, but its by no means BRIGHT.

    Another thing worth mentioning is that the extender rods are really long, which means you shouldn't run into any trouble when it comes to reaching the edges of the tank.

  6. I've built a stand out of 2x4s and plywood which has all turned out great so far, but I fear that using plywood as a canopy it will eventually warp.

    Are there any heavier and cost efficient materials that can be used which will not look too different from the stand?

    I'm quite new to anything DIY, so I don't have a vast knowledge of what is available.

  7. I would like to use LED lighting on my tank. For a few reasons, but mostly because I want to try it out.

    I will be building the canopy for tank soon (probably starting tomorrow), so I can make modifications if they are needed.

    I have searched quickly online, but I have no idea what I am looking for in terms of wattage, brands, etc.

    The tank will be mostly low light, but if I could have the option to switch between night, normal (low) and full on brightness that would be great, but I'm not 100% on how this would be achieved.

    Ideally, I'd like someone to point me in the right direction and perhaps share some problems they have encountered. After all my years of fish keeping, I'm still a novice when it comes to lighting, so I'm in need of help.


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