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  1. I have 22 F1 Chaitika blue rainbows and 16 F1 Brichardi Ulwile ,each colony in their own 6x2x2
  2. Hey Aaron,thanks mate.All is well here,especially since the new rack is running
  3. When I lived in Auckland I couldn't find THR ,in Sydney you can get it for $5a kg. I think if you want it in nz you would probably need to buy it off eBay from someone in USA, but it would cost a fortune
  4. Hi all,thought I'd post a few pics of one of my tanks,been in Sydney a few years now,we finally bought a house and immediately filled half the garage with tanks I've only had these multi's for a few weeks,but already becoming one of my favourite species Tank is 5x2x2 ,beach sand,60kgs Texas holey rock,barnacle clusters,escargot shells,few other types of shell Cheers,Lee
  5. I'm in sydney mate. There's quite a few options, as mentioned earlier http://www.aceforums.com.au , also try this http://www.petlink.com.au/Classifieds/F ... rium/Fish/ .Or you can try the nsw cichlid society auctions ,i went last night,which is on 1st Saturday every month in moorebank, you can get 6 electric yellows for about $15-20 , 100 bags of everything you can imagine from common stuff to rare fish Hope that helps
  6. Ah ok.So you are neither helpful or polite.
  7. Bristlenoses.when i said common,i meant common as in -you see them for sale everywhere
  8. Hi All, Have a couple of common plecos in one of my cichlid tanks,4 days ago I noticed one of them with his tail hanmging out of a barnacle cluster for a few hours,had a closer look and found he had a cluster of orange eggs :thup: .Anyway i have made a floating fry container 25x10x10cm. This morning i shifted the barnacle with male and eggs to container. Fry have hatched,at the stage where they are wriggling,connected to egg sack. My questions are - how long do i leave them with male? -when do i introduce food and what type? -im thinking zuchinni? -should i remove barnacle cluster and add a small piece of driftwood? Im used to cichlid fry,the idea of little plecos wasnt something i was expecting any tips would be greatly appreciated cheers
  9. Yes I thought the same-more like a lake. Why is it listed under 'çoldwater' you asked ,ponds are included as a sub catagory of coldwater 'Cold Water' -This forum is to discuss cold freshwater aquaria and ponds
  10. I edited my original link,fixed
  11. http://www.aquaticplantenthusiasts.com/tank-journals-photos-aquascapes/4377-worlds-largest-planted-aquascape-ever.html
  12. yeh but the T's would have nothing to graze on
  13. We moved to Sydney from Auckland 18 monthes ago, had job offer before we left and friends to stay with for a few monthes.I do the same job as i did in NZ and earn twice as much.We find cost of living cheaper ,ie petrol $1.40 per litre ,we shop at a supermarket called aldi so food cheaper than NZ too-So considerably better off. At first adjusting to the hustle and bustle and the summer heat was a bit of a shock(3 x +42 days in a row!) But we are settled in well now,and its an awesome place to live.ohh and the selection of fish over here is pretty impressive-I brought 7 x F1 tangs yesterday for $12 each))
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