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Posts posted by Straps

  1. Yes Alan, I have a lot of patience, but I feel that having to wait eight months, and still waiting, is way to long for anyone.

    I was told they had been printed and had yet to be cut up. What in blazes takes that long.

    I have to go back to our member and tell him, yes your certificate has been printed but it hasn't been cut out yet, don't worry that might only take another eight months.

  2. Would someone like to tell me what the point is in sending in notifications of breedings of fish to the federation breeding co-ordinator.

    I had this weird idea that just maybe one might get some form of acknowledgement in the shape of a certificate that could be handed on to the breeder of the said fish, by me, the TAPS breeding co-ordinator.

    It would appear that there is a problem in the system, it should be fixed. :hail:

    If it can't be fixed, then how about contacting the sender of these breedings and telling him why.

  3. I have read with a deep interest the comments made by some people that believe they know all there is to know about marine aquariums and marine livestock. I would have to say without a doubt that you all have a lot to learn on this subject.

    Many marine species will continue to thrive under less than ideal conditions, in my time as a salvage diver, I have encountered marine livestock in many places where they shouldn't even survive.

    On the subject of Mitch's Tank and it's inhabitants, I just wish to ensure you all that the figures quoted are real and correct, I was there when they were taken, and the inhabitants are all very much alive and healthy.

  4. I have a tank containing only Bristlenoses, these are behaving in a peculiar manner ; hanging on the glass and shimmying their bodies, racing to the surface and gulping air. Some have a red appearance around their mouths.

    We have checked the PH. OK.

    Nitrites, up very slightly.

    Ammonia, OK.

    Furniture in tank, Heater (23deg) 1 piece of wood, 2 pieces of schist rock sitting on a couple of smaller stones, 2 sponge filters.

    The aireating of the tank seems to be adequate.

    If anyone has any ideas about the problem, I'd be happy to hear from you.

  5. Can we have a date when we can expect these pages to be accessible.

    Whilst we are on the subject of breeding fish, would it be possible to get the FNZAS Breeding Co-ordinator to acknowledge the breedings sent to him from T.A.P.S.

    It has become increasingly frustrating, sending in breedings and having no acknowledge of whether the notifications have arrived or not.

    Your prompt attention to these matters would of course be much appreciated.

  6. I am the Vice President of T.A.P.S and I am amazed by the single mindedness of this group of people who are currently charged with the running of the FNZAS. I have noted the the President has basicaly ignored or dismissed any objections to this offshore venue.

    From what I can remember, this conference was to be held at Christchurch, but they were unable to host, correct me if I'm wrong. Then a certain member with more money than brains decided to take the venue offshore and we were all told it would only cost us one thousand dollars. Whoopee! we have one year in which to save this pifling amount, the man said just the price of a packet of smokes.

    Now I see it's out to three grand and climbing. He also said he would personally write to each member advising cost giving us a choice of venue. He has'nt done this, all that has been done is to create a vast rift between clubs and members and quite frankly, I'm gutted by the whole concept.

    What's this man going to suggest next.

    Taking it offshore has excluded one hell of a lot of people from attending.

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