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About Cheekycactus

  • Birthday 09/05/1976

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    Tropical fish, Cactus and Succulents, online gaming and reading.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Wow 500l min! Well I'm hoping since these two have grown up together that they will be okay. They are still reasonably young and small and are currently in a rather small tank with no probs. Fingers crossed.
  2. Ooh great I have decided to go with the cinder block idea. It suits my costs too which is even better. I might look into joining a club actually, thanks Caryl.
  3. Really?? It holds 343liters, to me that is huge :-?
  4. Wow thanks for all the input so far. Yes it is very exciting, and that is really cool to know that I can put more fish in if I wish. I will start with the 3 I have now and maybe add later. First step is too start getting the materials for the stand, then move on to buying a filter :bounce:
  5. Thanks. I'm off to look under the house this morning to check out the floor in my dining area :lol: Another question, would I get anymore fish in my tank or is it only suitable for my two Oscars and Pleco?
  6. No its a rectangle tank. Any suggestions as to where it can and can not be placed because of weight?
  7. I also think it looks like a nice tank
  8. Well I have just gotten myself a big tank, 340L. I am very excited as it will be home to my two growing Oscars and one Pleco. BUT...I have never done this before so I am slightly nervous :-? I'm looking at building a stand for it (have thread in DIY) but I have no idea on what type of filter to use, what size heater or what watt (lol) lighting to use. I have many questions so I hope you can all bear with me as I go along. ONE: Where to put the tank? This I am really nervous about as I am in a rented home and would hate for my tank to damage any flooring or carpet because of the weight of it. Any advice on this please?
  9. Hi Carlos Thanks for your reply. I do understand what you are meaning and I also have to say that I am abit worried about where to put the tank in relation to floor=weight etc. I have never set up anything like this so I must admit to being slightly nervous lol.
  10. Hi. Tank specs, W=104cm, H=75cm, D=44cm. Glass rectangle shape, holds approx 343L. It is quite a 'tall' tank, more so than 'short and long'. So...I am looking at building a stand for it but I am a complete novice and have no idea what I am doing. (I will ask my step Father to help me build it though :lol: ) I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on design? I am wanting to go as cheap as possible as I'm a single Mum with not alot of money to spare :roll: , but I also want to know that my tank will be very safe and secure. I have many more questions but I will post in Freshwater. This is the first big tank I have ever had and I'm super excited :bounce:
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