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  1. Oh, and picking them off the rocks is impractical, I'm not joking when I say there are millions, the tank is 1.5 metres long.
  2. Can't see how it can be Nitrates when that's between 0 and 5ppm and the fish are very leanly fed. Phosphates read 0 altho I know they can get used up in producing algae. I have phosguard regularly replaced in the system. The corals flourish and I think I have the water parameters very favourable for them, and possibly also for this algae. It's the sperical, single bubble type of buble algae. Only way I'd get nitrates any lower is to not feed them!
  3. Thanks. Anyone know a bit more on how to sex them?
  4. I have Green Glassy bubble Algae spread throughout my tank. Is there any way of controlling this?
  5. Hi I have a 200 gallon tank with lots of different fish, including 1 Bangai Cardinal. Can I get more of these? It says on some websites that cardinals can be aggessive towards their own species.
  6. About a week and a half ago I caught the purple tang and he's living in the sump (I've put some rock etc in there). How long do you think I should keep him there before reintroducing him to the main tank (which I've changed around a bit) with the yellow tang in?
  7. After turning the lights off for 48 hrs and adding a UV light filter my brown algae problem has gone!. Turning the lights off didn't affect my corals, they just closed for 2 days. The algae was there a bit after the lights came on but then I installed the UV and it went immediately. Thank you to all who offered advice.
  8. I did think they were but on closer inspection, you could be right. They look a bit spent. Cheers
  9. My new Lieutenant tang has developed brown speckled patches over his body. After about 2 days I finally managed to catch him and he is now in a quarantine tank dosed with copper. That was about 2 days ago and it seems to have spread more across his body, but he is eating. Should I be doing anything else and should I be worried about the other fish in the first tank?
  10. Thanks suphew I'll try cutting down the fresh food. i I have a double pump Deltec protein skimmer. R.O. water for top ups. Changed my water about 2 weeks ago. (20%) 2 x 250watt Heylides plus T5s Cheers Vick
  11. Hi there I’m a relative newbie to reef tanks, although I have had a fish only tank before. I have a problem and I'm hoping you can offer advice!. In the last few weeks, a brown, hairy algae that looks like long strings has formed in the tank. It's smothering everything and the corals aren't looking good because of it. It covers the rock and corals, plus the glass. I brush it off but can't get rid of it all and it comes back thick and fast The tank is about 7 months old, 735 litres, has a sump and a protein skimmer. The Heylides are on 8 hrs a day and blue lights about an hour earlier and 1.5 hrs after. I’ve heard about turning he lights off but won’t that kill the corals? Nitrates and Nitrites negligible, usually zero or hardly detectable. Calcium maintained at about 440, kH (alkalinity) at about = 8, ammonia between zero and 0.6 tops, Salinity 0.24, Magnesium around 1200 to 1280, pH 8.3, Phosphates = 0, Temp 25 In the tank I have built up over the last few months: 3 clowns 1 bi coloured Blennie 1 Purple tang 1 Blue tang 1 Yellow tang 1 Lieutenant tang 2 Golden headed Gobbies 1 Pixie Hawkfish 1 Royal Dotty 1 Foxface 1 Flame Angel 1 Harlequin tusk These fish are all small except the lieutenant tang. I have a dozen or so frags (mostly polyps) and 2 anenomes. I feed them about a teaspoon of flakes in the morning and about 1-2 tsp in the evening of chopped fresh mussel or frozen marine foods. Any ideas? Cheers Vicki
  12. Hi I've done what the books all say not to do, I introduced a yellow tang AFTER a purple tang was aready in here. You can't always dictate what order the fish arrive! Anyway, the purple beats up the yellow tang using the spine on his tail stock. I can't catch the purple so I have put a dividing plastic grill down the middle of he tank to seperate them for a week or two to see if that helps. Now the purple tang spends some time patrolling up and down the divider and othe times he is busy grazing. I'm hoping he'll get used to seeing the yellow here and ignore it completely. Any suggestions?
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