Hi All.
I am about to get my first dragon soon and need some help on the lighting in the uvb department.
I am asking you guys as you are not a pet store trying to make mega bucks out of me!
I have a large aquarium I will be using as the enclosure with a well fitting mesh lid and a canopy with 3 fluro bulbs in.
I understand the straight UV bulbs that come with the canopy will be fine (yes I know to install new ones every 6 months too) It also has a blueish light in it that was great for bringing out the colours of my trpoicals. I know this is not right for a dragon, can you get a uvb bulb for it and would it be enough or should I get a uvb lamp as well.
So far I am getting a basking lamp, be told I also need a ceramic for time time (but am open to suggestions on that, would a heat pad be better?)
Also reflectors for these lamps and a thermostat. Was told a fan heat light with UVB would be the best choice (Produces UVA and UVB light, essential for the production of vitamin D3 in reptiles. Provides warm air movement) write up on web site. If so what wattage would I need. Tank is approx 4ft x 1/ 1/2ft by 1 1/2 ft.
Thanks all