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    Whitianga Coromandel New Zealand

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  1. Hi all:) Is there any outfits in NZ that specialize in fitting out shops with tanks?
  2. Thank you phoenix (again ) & tracey I thought the second one was a type of sailfin just wasnt sure which one hes a cool grumpy fish
  3. Hello peoples:) Got two pleco pic's here & were not sure what they are. There name & L Number would be great there a friends & he thinks they are plecs I dont think they are so he has asked me to find out Red Spot? Dunno this one
  4. When my partner & i went there in one of the first tanks we looked at i said wow whats that black one he said thats the wild parents of these (shows us tanks with young silver altums) Then i said do you have black ones id rather have them He said no he keeping them i select the best when young for future breeding. Sorry dixon alls i know is our five angels (which you can see all of in our members tanks post) came from them a black & a silver angel pair. Maybe he got it mixed up & told us wrong but thats what he said
  5. lol opps well just about any one can go there to buy fish & view if you no the way around "that site" anyway so it cant be a secret 8) & its still a wild one just looked on t/m it just says wild parents not silver altum wild parents So they arnt? but nearly all the the young are silver's anyway?. A Q Do fish have the odd black one just like they have the odd albino even if the parents are the for example two normal silver altums & if you then breed the black or albino with a normal one is that cross breding or hurting the strain???. The angels are probably the uncoolest fish he has anyway:o 8) (sorry to the angel lovers )
  6. Our 3 silver peru altums came from phil we dont buy them thru trade me go direct you get better deals & you get to look at all the fish . anyway weve seen the parents the mum was silver but the dad is a jet black version amazing fish & every now & then they have a couple black ones but he keeps them for breeding we manged to get him to sell us two of them they are so cool & they have different fin structure/shape than each other & they hate anyother angel but get along together. one of ours Has got bigger eyes aswel What does that Mean? theres blue starting to come out round there faces of our 3 silvers beautiful fish . Those albinos are awsome i love albino fish
  7. Hi guys just wanting to know are weather loaches a legal import?
  8. Thanks very much all I wanted to no
  9. Hi everyone Can / would / will a Chocolate talking catfish (11cm approx.) eat a tetra? One of our albino black neon tetras has vanished this morning, and is no were to be seen in the tank. There is nothing else in our community tank that could fit it in it's mouth. Thanks
  10. Weres the best place to get them? Haven't really seen them round much. My partner is wanting to get them (I'm not to keen on them though ) Thanks
  11. Just looked up the pygmy thats perfect Thanks
  12. LOL they were free bees, totally agree There in a boring unplanted tank
  13. We all ready have pairs of blue rams and cockatoos, hoping they will breed (fingers crossed ) have you got any ideas for dwarf catfish? Off topic do you know if there is any interest for silver dollars have a breeding pair Thanks
  14. Sorry I probably didn't explain that very well, I'm talking about, a planted 100-200L corner tank, just with minature fish not a minature tank. Wanting groovy fish to put in it
  15. Hi everyone Just a quick question. I'm wanting to start a minature tank, and was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of the type of fish I could put in it. I have been doing some research but just thought I would ask the professionals before I made any decisions . I was thinking Otos, may be some dwarf Gourumis, pair of dwarf ciclids (to many to pick from), dwarf corys, maybe some tetras (rummy, cardinals) and I really need a centre peice fish. I really don't want any fish that grow larger than 5-6cm. Any help / input would be greatly appreciated
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